
ask for assurance in a sentence

1) Councillors asked for assurances that the costs will be recovered from the owner, which were given by Mr Wright.

2) Second, it continues to concern customers who more and more ask for assurances about the privacy of their financial information.

assurance collocations
3) The following morning, Ijaz emailed a copy of the memo draft to the ambassador for proofreading and asked for assurances that the memo had the approval of the president of Pakistan.

4) The governments of Australia, New Zealand, the U.S. and others called for calm, and asked for assurances that the Fijian military not rise against the government.

ask for assurance example sentences

5) Mr Robinson said he appreciated the OFT had a lot to do and claimed it would be more appropriate if trading standards officers could ask for assurances.

6) This morning Cunliffe was still at it, asking for assurances from the Prime Minister about mass surveillance that John Key had already given us, but which Cunliffe clearly hadn't heard.

7) "I did not ask for assurances from these individuals that they would agree with me at all times.

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