
arts association in a sentence

1) Seven Arts' association with the Studio was short-lived.

2) There are nine sport associations, five performing arts associations, four naturalistic associations.

association collocations
3) All members of NEFA are members of the arts Association.

4) Red Wing arts association seeks to share unique artwork each year from indigenous communities.

arts association example sentences

5) The centre is managed by the Evesham arts Association, a registered charity.

6) I mean, what is the object of the South East arts Association?

7) The project has been arranged by the Liverpool Anti-Racist and Community arts Association.

8) He devoted his energy to establishing Red Wing arts association with Marge Vogel.

9) The Aspara arts association holds classical and folk dance sessions every Saturday at 7pm.

10) Events operated by community groups 92 or sports and arts associations often operate in this way.

11) NEOGRAPHICS is managed by the Graphic arts association located in Trevose, Pennsylvania.

12) An outstanding teacher, he was awarded the Silver Award of the Eastern arts Association.

13) Red Wing arts association hosts a collaborative show highlighting the works of the Larry Veeder family.

14) A national martial arts organisation, The Empire Martial arts Association, is based in Scarborough.

example sentences with association

15) Londonderry arts association will be presenting a Ten Concert Subscription Series during the current academic year.

16) Juchniewicz served as Chaplain of the Polish National Advocate and the Medical Dental arts Association.

17) I recently spoke to Chris Cooper, who's director of the South East arts Association.

18) The Fine arts association welcomes Director Daniel Behnke for his debut at St. Juliana's.

19) It's held in the restored courthouse, now home to the Blue Ridge Mountain arts association .

20) Sponsored by the Chipola Regional arts association in partnership with the Artists Guild of Northwest Florida.

21) Texas Fine arts Association.

22) It is the first major craft exhibition that South East Arts, your regional arts association, has organized.

23) Students who bring in $1.00 to donate to the Fine arts association can come out of uniform.

24) Charitable trusts, regional arts associations and individual patrons might be willing to sponsor a pilot scheme on these lines.

25) She said: "The arts association have always been responsible for paying the transport costs and providing hospitality overnight.

26) The Indianapolis arts association commissioned a portrait of Riley to be created by world famous painter John Singer Sargent.

27) In January 2013, the Cambodian Mixed Martial arts association was created under the Cambodian Martial arts Federation.

How to use association in a sentence

28) MGM contracted with the American Musical Academy of arts association to handle all of their press and artist development.

29) Polish American cultural groups include the White Eagle Lodge, Polish American arts association and the Polish Falcons.

30) Founded in 1970 as the Somerset arts Association, The Center is a thriving arts education resource in its community.

31) The Lively arts association is an organization dedicated to fostering an understanding of history through the vehicle of the performing arts.

32) The Martial arts association was founded in 1985 and was one of the earliest martial arts associations at universities in Guangzhou.

33) The Martial arts association was founded in 1985 and was one of the earliest martial arts associations at universities in Guangzhou.

34) arts association is a group of artistically inclined students interested in sharing their work and contributing to the Hollins art scene.

35) He's a partner at Jones Day and president of the Musical arts Association, which supports the Cleveland Orchestra.

36) Throughout the 1980s he also wrote on literature and the arts for the monthly journal of the Yorkshire arts Association.

37) The Jackson's Mixed Martial arts association provides a curriculum that can be adopted and applied in gyms across the globe.

38) The Art Department provides some resources for attending conferences, including the Society for Photographic Education and the College arts Association.

39) It was originally called the Outdoor Art Exhibition when it was started by the Guelph Creative arts association (GCAA).

40) The parent organization is the Federal City Performing arts Association, Inc., and GMCW is a member of GALA Choruses.

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