
arsis in a sentence

1) Exodus then went on tour supporting Arch Enemy along with arsis and Mutiny Within.

2) It is also worth mentioning that this song contains an arsis first: a clean guitar break.

3) As organ has never been seen in a theatre Europe; only those instruments are admitted which can express arsis and thesis.

arsis example sentences

4) It cannot have any arsis or thesis, any rhythm or expression of emphasis, such as the pulsatile instruments have.

5) Recordings of Hagen works may be found on the Albany Records, arsis , Sierra, TNC, Mark, Naxos Records, and CRI labels, among others.

6) They have amassed a killer lineup of fellow death metal bands to take on the road with them including Krisiun , Aborted, arsis , Autumn's End and Starkill.

7) HYPOCRISY Announce North American Spring 2013 Tour with KRISIUN , ABORTED, arsis and more Swedish death metal masters Hypocrisy are heading back to the states.

8) As far as production goes, this is definitely the best on any arsis album, and a thankful departure from the dryness of Nightmare 's sound.

9) The album also opts for double-time drumming more than any other drumming style present, and probably utilizes it more than on any other arsis album.

10) I'll admit right now that I'm not as big of an arsis fan as, well, a "True" arsis fan.

11) I'll admit right now that I'm not as big of an arsis fan as, well, a "True" arsis fan.

12) " Recorded by The Princeton Singers for arsis (Steven Sametz, conducting).

13) " Conjunto Pro Arte de Flautas Dulces; Coro Nacional de Niños, Conductor: Vilma Gorini; The Qualiton Ensemble; Coro arsis , Conductor: Eduardo Alonso Stier.

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