
arrive at airport in a sentence

1) My parents were waiting in the transit lounge when we arrived at the airport.

2) You should leave by no later than 8:30 to ensure you arrive at the airport on time.

airport collocations
3) Both Ken's mother and her friend will arrive at the airport soon.

arrive at airport example sentences

4) I'll arrive at Haneda Airport tomorrow evening at.

5) The airplane took off as soon as I arrived at the airport.

6) I want to arrive at Kennedy Airport early in the afternoon.

7) The plane will arrive at the airport thirty minutes late.

8) CSCB: How will hand-carried goods arriving at airports be processed?

9) If arriving at airport , you can arrange taxi to prebuy your ticket and meet you at airport and take you to bus station.

10) Airline travelers told to arrive at airports at least an hour earlier following spending cuts that will reduce overtime for airport security screeners and customs agents.

11) They complain they only learned of their no-fly status after buying airline tickets , arriving at airports and being refused permission to board a plane.

12) Route planning before aircraft arrives at airport (saving time on the ground)

13) " Since 9/11, the TSA has recommended that travelers arrive at airports an hour early for U.S. flights and two hours for international travel.

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