archiepiscopal in a sentence
1) He also sat on the archiepiscopal council.
2) Wulfred had probably resumed his archiepiscopal duties earlier that year.
3) Avignon was made an archiepiscopal see in 1475.
archiepiscopal example sentences
4) He was residing at his archiepiscopal palace at Raudnitz.5) Behind the Convent there used to stand the archiepiscopal farm-buildings.
6) Between 1582 and 1680 the archiepiscopal mint was situated the spacious vaults below courtyard level.
7) The citizens on their part plundered and sacked the archiepiscopal palace and other buildings.
8) The third 'block', written around 1008-1020, concerns archiepiscopal functions.
9) In 1071, Lanfranc had gone to Rome for his archiepiscopal pallium.
10) It was the Palatine chapel of the former Electoral-Trier archiepiscopal estate in Kaimt.
11) The Major archiepiscopal curia functions in the curial building in Kerala, India.
12) Richard went on to build the castle of Gaillard on the former archiepiscopal manor.
13) The archiepiscopal Sanctuary of the Vergine Blessed soul of the Miracles).
14) It became an archiepiscopal see.
15) In 1815, Van de Velde began attending the famous archiepiscopal Seminary at Mechlin.
example sentences with archiepiscopal
16) The archiepiscopal palace is a splendid edifice erected by Archbishop AgustÃn de Lezo y Palomeque.17) On 7 August 1962 Lefebvre was given the titular archiepiscopal see of Synnada in Phrygia.
18) The custom of giving the archiepiscopal authority to London had originated in Archbishop Lanfranc's time.
19) During his time at Bec, Anselm worked to maintain its freedom from lay and archiepiscopal control.
20) Although Gregory had intended for the southern archiepiscopal see to be located at London, that never happened.
21) The last two archiepiscopal provinces did not have any suffragans, and depended directly on the Holy See.
22) As part of this plan, Augustine was expected to transfer his archiepiscopal see to London from Canterbury.
23) Æthelheard held a council at Clovesho on 12 October 803 which finally stripped Lichfield of its archiepiscopal status.
24) With people of the town dispersed, nobody cultivated the lands, and the archiepiscopal status lost its importance.
25) In 1153 Trondheim's ecclesial significance was enhanced by the erection there of the archiepiscopal See of Nidaros.
26) Archiepiscopal Chancery, Salzburg.
27) Here has been placed the Archives of archiepiscopal Farming and the Collection of the Fine arts of Kalocsa.
28) With the exception of York, the archiepiscopal dioceses in England and Ireland include the pallium within the shield.
How to use archiepiscopal in a sentence
29) Aleixo de Meneses, also an Augustinian, was transferred to Braga from the archiepiscopal see of Goa.30) The archiepiscopal ministerials brought an appeal (and the blood-stained clothing) to the Royal Court to demand justice.
31) The new see was invested by the Pope with all the authority of the ancient archiepiscopal see of Salona.
32) They prevailed on Urban to send a legate (Walter of Albano) to the king bearing the archiepiscopal pallium.
33) The numerous legal cases that resulted from his visitation policy strengthened the archiepiscopal court at the expense of the lower courts.
34) They had seated Maximus on the archiepiscopal throne and had just begun shearing away his long curls when the day dawned.
35) Except for cardinals of the Roman Curia, most cardinals head an archdiocese and use an archiepiscopal cross on their arms.
36) He paid compensation to the monks by giving them ten years' revenue from an archiepiscopal estate worth £30 a year.
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