
archaic spelling in a sentence

1) Boberg's entire poem appears (with archaic Swedish spellings ).

archaic collocations
2) Similarly, other archaic spellings such as "olde worlde" are not distinguished below.

3) The archaic spelling "Sault" is a relic of the Middle French Period.

archaic spelling example sentences

4) Cashmere is an archaic spelling of Kashmir, and in some countries it is still spelled this way.

5) The name "bahia" is an archaic spelling of the Portuguese word "baía", meaning "bay".

6) The use of archaic spelling of words was seen as not in keeping with Wordsworth's claims of using common language.

7) Of the complete copies, Meyer notes that the Rawlinson text contains fewer errors, but that Laud preserves more archaic spelling .

8) An archaic spelling of "buffet" which refers to a sideboard or long table on which foods were placed; of course this is the precursor for the modern-day buffet.

9) Etymologically, the word "sault" comes from an archaic spelling of "saut" (from "sauter"), which translates most accurately in this usage to the English word, "cataract".

10) For example German "Tal" ('valley', cognate with English "dale") appears in many place-names with an archaic spelling "Thal" (see Neandertal).

11) The Welch Regiment (or "The Welch", an archaic spelling of "Welsh") was an infantry regiment of the British Army from 1881 to 1969.

12) Although the archaic spellings "Caius" and "Cnaeus" also appear in later records, "Gaius" and "Gnaeus" represent the actual pronunciation of these names.

13) Seghwaert was formed around what was the former village of Zegwaart (or Zegwaard), which fused with Zoetermeer in 1935, using the archaic spelling of the locale's name.

14) Sauvages' hypothesis seems to be supported by the archaic English spelling "fleur-de-luce" and by the Luts's variant name "Lits".

15) In the sense "land where fairies dwell", the distinctive and archaic spellings "Faery" and "Faerie" are often used.

example sentences with archaic spelling

16) Caernarfon is also home to the regimental museum of the Royal Welch Fusiliers ( archaic English spelling of the word "Welsh").

17) They re-adopted the archaic spelling "Welch" in 1920 when The Army Board granted approval on 27th January 1920 for the re-instatement of the old name.

18) For instance, English poems written in Shakespeare's time don't rhyme correctly anymore, but a look at their archaic spelling indicates that they should rhyme.

19) Archaic English spellings in this historical extract

20) " to 90 percent of what he shewed [ archaic spelling us!

21) For example, Nicholas II of Russia (1 November 1894 - 15 March 1917) was titled as follows (notice the archaic Cyrillic spelling ):

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