arabization in a sentence
1) Arabization occurred in some parts of the Arabian Peninsula.
2) In the early 1960s the Moroccan government began the arabization process.
3) Yet this arabization should not be misconstrued as assimilation.
arabization example sentences
4) Archaeology also shows increased signs of arabization and Islamicization.5) Implement a policy of arabization in Mauritania and Sudan.
6) Their influx was a major factor in the arabization of the Maghreb.
7) Intermarriage and assimilation also facilitated arabization .
8) The strong position of French in Algeria was little affected by the arabization policy.
9) Another pattern seen under post-colonial government control of education was the arabization of educational institutions.
10) This act of arabization ensured the complete sovereignty of Jordan as a fully independent nation .
11) The arabization of Kirkuk and other oil-rich regions is not a recent phenomenon.
12) This reform greatly influenced the conquered non-Arab peoples and fueled the arabization of the region.
13) Nonetheless, the Islamization and arabization of the region was a complicated and lengthy process.
14) However during those four years the regime encouraged the " arabization " of the oil-rich Kurdish areas.
15) Iraqi arabization program - For decades, Saddam Hussein 'Arabized' northern Iraq.
example sentences with arabization
16) By 1989, arabization of all subjects across all grades in both primary and secondary education was accomplished.17) The early Muslim conquest of Persia was coupled with an anti-Persian arabization policy which led to much discontent.
18) With the ongoing Islamization, and arabization of the country, Egyptian Arabic slowly supplanted spoken Egyptian.
19) The first President of Algeria, Ahmed ben Bella, introduced arabization in the education system in 1962.
20) Therefore, every Arab country has cultural specificities that form a cultural mix that incorporates local novelties acquired after arabization .
21) He was interested only in the oil-rich part of Kurdistan, prone to a process of " arabization ".
22) Northerners, who have traditionally controlled the country, have made efforts to unify it through arabization and Islamization.
23) Iraq started another wave of arabization by moving Arabs to the oil fields in Kurdistan, particularly those around Kirkuk.
24) For South Sudanese , that means continuation of oppression, brutalization, demonization, Islamization, arabization and enslavement.
25) It remained unofficially active, sometimes protesting the government and calling for increased Islamization and arabization of the country's politics.
26) The Islamic conquest and the Turkic expansion results in the arabization and Turkification of significant areas where Indo-European languages were spoken.
27) This legendary ancestry, however, played a rôle in the long arabization process that continued for centuries among the Berber peoples.
28) Their migration strongly contributed to the arabization and Islamization of the western Maghreb, which was until then dominated by Berber tribes.
How to use arabization in a sentence
29) However, at the same time, the Iraqi regime started an arabization program in the oil-rich regions of Kirkuk and Khanaqin.These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of our website. Please inform us about the inappropriate sentences:
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