
approve authority in a sentence

1) These renovation plans were subsequently approved by the relevant authorities.

2) These arms were never approved by any higher authority.

authority collocations
3) The transaction has been approved by regulatory authorities in 2011.

4) Local Communist Party authorities approved the protest.

approve authority example sentences

5) The plan was approved by the Philippine authorities in 1941.

6) Simple ! approved by the supreme authority.

7) Is autohemotherapy approved by German medical authorities?

8) Homemade fireworks and fireworks not approved by Italian authorities are illegal.

9) I believe the books were reviewed and approved by Bunjevci authorities.

10) These lists are drawn up by communities and approved by local authorities.

11) Finnish competition authorities approved the deal.

12) T he prospectus has also to be approved by the authorities .

13) You can find out if a layout is approved by local authorities .

14) D the local authority approved building plans for 245 houses which included flexible drains.

example sentences with authority

15) However, this expansion has not yet been finally approved by the local authorities.

16) Four drugs in the class of NNRTIs have been approved by regulatory authorities.

17) Clinical trials may be required before a national regulatory authority approves marketing of the innovation.

18) It has been approved by the local planning authority and is awaiting approval by ministers .

19) After the revised plans were approved by the authorities, construction started in August 1914.

20) A marriage approved by civil authorities but not by religious authorities, or vice versa.

21) authorities routinely approved permits for groups supporting the government and generally refused permission for dissenting groups.

22) The LCSP is approved by the milestone decision authority at each milestone and FRP decision.

23) The semen bank was approved by the authority for family planning in the provincial capital Chengdu.

24) Only those that had been registered and approved by the German authorities could edit such publications.

25) The route, approved by military authorities, included a route along the Maginot Line.

26) This is illegal, but given the volumes taken must have been approved by the authorities.

27) It is of note these do not have to be approved by the ecclesiastical authorities.

How to use authority in a sentence

28) From the early 1990s they have been using only organic materials approved by the German authorities.

29) The French warship Clemenceau's transit through the Suez Canal is approved by Egyptian authorities.

30) The bridge was finished at the end of 1950 and formally approved by the authorities in 1952.

31) On December 14, 2011, Brazilian authorities approved the agreement imposing similar restrictions as Chilean authorities.

32) Clemmons moved to Washington in 2004 while still on parole, which was approved by Arkansas authorities.

33) Both propellers and silencers are widely adopted in Europe and fully approved by the German airworthiness authorities.

34) In October 2010, monetary authorities approved a regulation to establish limits for cash transactions of foreign currency.

35) MOAs approved by other TRADOC authorities will be reviewed by their servicing SJA prior to approval.

36) They now occupy a significant portion of biologic drugs approved by regulatory authorities around the world every year.

37) The regulatory determination as to whether a source is approved by regulatory authorities for potable use is critical.

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