
approach from in a sentence

1) Arctic challenges are approached from several angles.

approach collocations
2) That is why main ridge is better approached from the north.

3) Computational complexity may be approached from many different aspects.

approach from example sentences

4) The car approaching from behind did not .

5) The gallery is approached from the first floor.

6) The return path will approach from the left.

7) Cats generally prefer to be approached from behind.

8) A flock of bats approaches from behind the statue.

9) Bowen operated the radar and made several approaches from various points.

10) It can be approached from three directions.

11) Training can be approached from many perspectives.

12) Win32 used this approach from the start.

13) You might expect a rather different approach from her guest.

14) He says there are approaches from the big boys fairly regularly .

15) Wycliffe decided to approach from the rear.

example sentences with approach from

16) The first tier approached from city center produces perishable items.

17) Has there been an approach from Arsenal?

18) Jeff approached from below and Dan from above.

19) This sensation can be described and approached from many angles.

20) Certainly ours is a very different approach from Caesar's.

21) This represents a major change in approach from the model above.

22) Beijing had to adopt the approach from the west.

23) We approach from various beliefs, values and practices.

24) Sirens were heard approaching from a distance.

25) Putting right the poor performer may need an approach from several directions.

26) This phenomenon is approached from psychological and normative perspectives, among others.

27) A BLM dirt road approaches from the east along ridge tops.

28) It takes a different approach from standard medicine in treating health problems.

How to use approach from in a sentence

29) This prevented males from approaching from underneath towards their cloaca.

30) Approached from this side the best poetry is tame.

31) The approach from the Portree direction is shorter.

32) A: Cluster can approach from all directions.

33) Conversely, if , the economy approaches from above.

34) You want to approach from the back left corner.

35) Let me approach from another angle and see whether you agree.

36) Fire was then shifted to the cruisers approaching from the east.

37) Aerodynamic and performance calculations can be approached from many different directions.

38) Dan planned to drop down through a saddle and approach from above.

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