
appreciation event in a sentence

1) In June, a fan appreciation event was announced.

appreciation collocations
2) Several national parks have regular stargazing programs or night appreciation events .

3) The next donor appreciation event will take place on November 16.

appreciation event example sentences

4) Looking for creative ways to liven up your teacher appreciation event ?

5) More than 600,000 people RSVPed on Facebook for Huckabee's appreciation event .

6) AIP's Publishing Center in Melville will also host an employee appreciation event this summer.

7) Nathan also acted as patron of and supported various charity organizations by attending fund-raising and volunteer appreciation events .

8) Starting in 1996, the Padres became the first national sports team to have an annual military appreciation event .

9) On 21 July 2011, NASA hosted an employee appreciation event outside OPF-2, with "Atlantis" parked.

10) The summit will be a fan appreciation event and will allow invitees to participate in multiple competitions involving the Toybox.

11) Highlights from the BlackBerry 10 Developer appreciation event in Brazil A developer brought up something very important about blackberry 10 .

12) Gift Cards - This year, First Friends would like to give out door prizes at our monthly Teacher appreciation events .

13) Our first teacher appreciation event will have a football theme and we will be serving some of our favorite game day appetizers.

14) The new uniforms (which marked the first redesign since 2002) were unveiled at a fan appreciation event at Ralph Wilson Stadium.

15) DM&E celebrated the anniversary with picnics and employee appreciation events and excursions in Waseca, Minnesota, and Pierre, South Dakota.

example sentences with appreciation event

16) There are also things not commonly found at an artist' studio: items of antique furniture clogged one room, and a tea appreciation event was held inside another.

17) For our annual patient appreciation event in Galleria , we invited our loyal customers... Optometrist Fort Lauderdale - FREE $39 Coupon!

18) With the new name comes a new focu ... appreciation events - appreciation events appreciation events ensures that everyone wins in the event.

19) event organizer - in a given year, Vox hosts 3 concerts, 2 fund raising events and a few other donor appreciation events .

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