
appointment process in a sentence

1) The associated appointment process is nearing completion for these posts.

appointment collocations
2) The appointment process has been criticized as giving preferential treatment towards athletes.

3) A permanent file is maintained for reference during the annual appointment process .

appointment process example sentences

4) Our people now feel burned by the appointment process .

5) The electorate appointment process lacked transparency.

6) The appointment process for the 2012-2013 association year is open!

7) They were controversial due to the changes envisioned in the member appointment processes .

8) Veterans' preference does not require an agency to use any particular appointment process .

9) Accept an independent appointments process .

10) The HR Business Partner is responsible for the appointment process for standard offers of employment.

11) A team within Access HR manages the end-to-end appointment process for casual and sessional staff.

12) The HR Business Partner will manage the appointment process through to induction and on-boarding.

13) Trustees are selected by an appointment process and serve as trustees for periods of three years.

14) The Association subsequently clarified that its concerns related to appointment process and not the appointment itself.

15) The only major Senate reform that is legally and politically possible is to change the appointment process .

example sentences with appointment process

16) Controversy nevertheless surrounds amendments to the composition and appointment process for the country's highest judiciary bodies.

17) Also included in this table, is the Monash HR representative responsible for administering the direct appointment process .

18) The make-up, appointment process , and powers of the Senate are clearly set out in the Constitution.

19) NOAA 's Fisheries Service annually solicits nominations from the governors of fishing states and oversees the annual appointment process .

20) The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 makes provision for a new appointment process for Justices of the Supreme Court.

21) Neither the guideline nor the policy is retroactive and neither will be applied to anyone already in the appointment process .

22) The fact that it has not happened says a great deal both about the appointments process and the legal profession.

23) In July 2014 he stepped down as editor, with Ben Chacko becoming acting editor pending a formal appointment process .

24) The law restored the interim U.S. attorney appointment process that had been modified in 2006 by the USA PATRIOT Act.

25) If a vacancy occurs on the court during a term, it will be temporarily filled by an appointment process .

26) This is intended to reflect the nonpartisan mission of the BBG, but the appointment process can be very political.

27) Through her thoughtful appointment process , the organization's sections and committees have become more diverse and reflective of the legal community.

28) UIUCs administration must resist this latest infringement of academic freedom, as well as the obstruction of its own academic appointment process .

How to use appointment process in a sentence

29) In January 2009, she was mentioned as a possible candidate in the appointment process to replace Clinton's U.S. Senate seat.

30) The north's commissioner for public appointments, Felicity Huston, says there was no "openness, transparency or independent scrutiny" in the appointments process .

31) However, his claim that the splitting of the list by sending three of the four names to the President for appointment compromised the appointment process is debatable.

32) January 2014 - The PCSA Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Mike Everson to the position of Director of Coaching, following an open appointment process .

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