
appliquéd in a sentence

1) I believe the rocks are appliquéd painted Ultrasuede or something similar.

2) His belted black robe was appliquéd with glaring white death's heads.

3) Patches of yellow and orange and red were appliquéd onto it.

appliquéd example sentences

4) The cutouts would then be appliquéd onto a contrasting background fabric.

5) Twenties shift dresses were embroidered and appliquéd with surrealist motifs .

6) It is machine pieced, hand appliquéd and hand quilted.

7) Links on this page demonstrate many different styles and functions for appliquéd textiles.

8) Techniques used include hand appliquéd paper piecing, patchwork, and hand embroidery.

9) Aunt had appliquéd all but 10 of the blocks which I finished.

10) An appliquéd P-48 that was flown by the women flies across the jacket.

11) Sampler album quilts were composed of several unique intricately pieced or appliquéd blocks.

12) The teacup is satin ribbon that has been stitched, wired, cut and appliquéd .

13) The Thongdroel is the most sacred giant which is painted and an appliquéd scroll.

14) It was a blue tent, appliquéd with the names of everyone she has slept with.

15) Strips of silk ribbons are cut and appliquéd in layers, creating designs defined by negative space.

example sentences with appliquéd

16) Rich floral brocades appliquéd in gold on leather fabrics is something that you are sure to fall for.

17) This pattern is brought to life with the addition of three brightly coloured parcels appliquéd to the knitted fabric.

18) They are made out of felted wool scraps that are appliquéd with a blanket stitch to a wool background.

19) The details of the faces, wings, arms and legs of the figures are appliquéd lithographs on paper.

20) The most common color for the appliquéd design was red, due to the wide availability of Turkey-red fabric.

21) The show displayed her unique appliquéd blankets, paintings, sculptures, films, neons, drawings and monoprints.

22) He then sewed the sail using invisible thread for the appliquéd dress and body colours before he added a frame.

23) The Day Joyce Sheet was embroidered and appliquéd with 1100 names, signs and figures including a diary in code.

24) The high texture created by brushing soft threads is balanced by an appliquéd pocket that holds a separately stitched gingerbread man.

25) Procession is re-presented here by appliquéd banners made in one of Deller 's many collaborations with skilled customisers and makers.

26) The rocks in the very front are appliquéd in Ultrasuede, then painted with acrylics to match the stitches surrounding them.

27) A quirky alternative are the Pamela Mann Zips Tights with an appliquéd gold zip detail running all the way down the back of your leg in lieu of a seam.

28) Kuna women sew the very colorful reverse appliquéd cotton molas that are the basis for their dress, and the men spend much of their time fishing.

How to use appliquéd in a sentence

29) The rocks are ultra suede; painted, stuffed and appliquéd , and the trees are Joan's famous "string trees" - cotton string doubled up, separated, wrapped and couched.

30) The vestment bears the appliquéd imperial coats of arms of Hungary, Bohemia, Burgundy, and Tyrol on the outer front side, and the Austrian coat of arms on the inside.

31) Floral motifs were cut from lengths of these and then appliquéd by hand onto silk net (tulle) by workers from the Royal School of Needlework.

32) The "charges" (figures) of the arms are embroidered in gold on linen pieces, appliquéd onto coloured silk velvet fields.

33) Similarly, for a dinner held in July 2010 in Toronto, Elizabeth wore a white gown with silver maple leaves appliquéd on the right sleeve and shoulder.

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