
anything of the kind in a sentence

1) He was reluctant to attempt anything of the kind .

anything collocations
2) You see, I never did anything of the kind .

3) of course we can't do anything of the kind .

anything of the kind example sentences

4) His father had not expected anything of the kind and was disappointed.

5) I never felt that I was called to do anything of the kind .

6) Ken was warned by Horne never to do anything of the kind again.

7) There 's no independent, or otherwise reliable confirmation of anything of the kind .

8) She had denied anything of the kind to the police but it was real enough.

9) Our intuitions don't disclose anything of the kind ; so we sleep easy.

10) Much less can such a mistaken view of the rapture be anything of the kind .

11) I beg your pardon I say to them, I never said anything of the kind .

12) It will be strange if they are really to have money or anything of the kind .

13) I had never witnessed anything of the kind before, although like every person, I knew earthquakes by description.

14) Again the youth saw the chief. (14) He never said anything of the kind , he said.

15) In any case, the statistics served up in today's Washington Post don't show anything of the kind .

example sentences with anything of the kind

example sentences with anything of the kind

16) the whole proceeding struck me as remarkable, more especially as they said he had never been taught anything of the kind .

17) He had never seen anything of the kind before and had no idea at all that the strange disorder might concern him.

18) Somehow, though, and it was a complete mystery to her why, she felt an odd sort of reluctance to do anything of the kind .

19) At the next meeting the officials from Washington said they felt a pilot disclosure study would be of no value and that they could not authorize anything of the kind .

20) I created not anything of the kind in by any means fixing and repairing stuff celebrity fad here as well as in a different place.

21) On Feb. 13, 1327, Eckhart stated that he had always detested everything wrong, and should anything of the kind be found in his writings, he retracted it.

22) It's no good putting in what you think in this part, because none of us thought anything of the kind at the time.

23) It is the first time in my life that I have ever been reduced to such a painful position, and I am really quite inexperienced in doing anything of the kind .

24) ItÂ's quite comfy and if your partner has never tried anything of the kind , you will surprise him and get him into the playful mood too.

25) the Council had never mentioned it was dreaming up anything of the kind - let alone that it had started protecting the alignment of its new highways.

26) He had hardly crossed the border into Ã…ngermanland when the boy caught a glimpse of a fertile valley and a river, which surpassed anything of the kind he had seen before.

27) I was completely certain she'd never mentioned anything of the kind to the Colonel, but quick as a flash I said, 'Nonya, I know you've done all you can.

28) of course, it hadn't so far done anything of the kind , and he had to arrive at the best thing to do in the circumstances.

How to use anything of the kind in a sentence

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