
antivirus software in a sentence

1) Top user ratings among free antivirus software .

antivirus collocations
2) Traditionally, antivirus software heavily relied upon signatures to identify malware.

3) Premium antivirus software ensures your computer is safe for viruses.

antivirus software example sentences

4) Some antivirus software can also scan incoming email messages.

5) Note that firewall software doesn't replace antivirus software .

6) There are so many antivirus software's available online.

7) Make sure you renew your antivirus software regularly.

8) I was looking for antivirus software and found everything but.

9) I haven't used antivirus software in 2 years.

10) Make sure your systems are up to date with antivirus software .

11) Be sure to have antivirus software installed on your computer.

12) Make sure you have antivirus software on your computer.

13) What is needed is vigilance , password protections and good antivirus software .

14) No, you don't need to disable your antivirus software .

15) User must choose best-rated antivirus software for his PC.

example sentences with antivirus software

16) Only you or your antivirus software would ever know this.

17) You can buy antivirus software but you need to update it regularly.

18) They also believe that antivirus software catches every single bad thing before it happens.

19) The company said the malware attacked its employee laptops despite running up-to-date antivirus software .

20) Web sites related to antivirus software or the Windows Update service becoming inaccessible.

21) Some viruses trick antivirus software by intercepting its requests to the OS.

22) Next, try and install antivirus software to exterminate the RAT.

23) I'd rather do that once a year than have antivirus software .

24) Sometimes, an antivirus software with web protection may stop the content-control filter.

25) Third-party firewall and antivirus software can also be monitored from Security Center.

26) And get this : None of the computers were equipped with antivirus software .

27) Using this technique, Evilgroup hopes they can evade detection by antivirus software .

28) Just today We're reminded that people uses antivirus software on their home PC.

How to use antivirus software in a sentence

29) After a search for " antivirus software ," I saw this AdWords ad.

30) Windows Defender is included; Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus software is a free download.

31) Some may argue that one need not be concerned if one has installed antivirus software .

32) AVG has believed in the right to free antivirus software for the past eight years.

33) The German AV-TEST Institute publishes evaluations of antivirus software for Windows and Android.

34) The typical household network would basically need a firewall, antivirus software and a strong passwords.

35) Any software, such as antivirus software , running on the compromised system is equally vulnerable.

36) So am I suggesting that you donï¿1⁄2t need an antivirus software or firewall?

37) I actually like their antivirus software so I 'm not an upset Norton hater.

38) Some viewed Norton 360 as a response to Microsoft's antivirus software , OneCare.

39) The trial version of the antivirus software that I used on my laptop has already expired!

40) I always practice safe Snapchatting - my phone has antivirus software and a plastic screen protector.

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