
annually attract in a sentence

1) It annually attracts crowds of over 600,000 people.

2) It annually attracts thousands of women representing every segment of our society.

3) Brevard has five judged art festivals annually attracting tens of thousands of people to art displays.

4) Ghana's education system annually attracts a high-number of foreign students particularly in the university sector.

annually attract example sentences

5) Dubbed as the "Moroccan Woodstock" it lasts four days and attracts annually around 450,000 spectators.

6) The islands' beaches, resorts, shops, and historic sites annually attract visitors from around the world.

7) Kish Island also holds Iran's Traditional and Heroic Games Contests annually attracting over 17 countries worldwide.

8) Thousands of tourists are attracted annually by the charming châteaux at Beaugency, Blois, Chambord and Chaumont.

9) In the city of Loulé, the Carnival parade annually attracts thousands of national and foreign tourists to the region.

10) Held for three days in the beginning of June, it annually attracts more than 200,000 people and 1200 horses.

11) Goa's beaches, cheap liquor and nightlife annually attract 2.5 million tourists, of whom half a million are foreigners.

12) The event has quickly grown and annually attracts thousands of people to the New Year Eve's celebration, which also includes a short fireworks show.

13) annually attracting representatives from over 120 countries, the AEEDC Dubai has shown strong levels of growth in the past decade, attracting over 20,000 dentists every year.

14) Inaugurated in 1967 by a large rodeo, Festival Western de Saint-Tite annually attracts up to 800,000 visitors during the 10 days of festivities.

example sentences with attract

15) The Puritan account of this was very different, regarding the colony as a decadent nest of good-for-nothings that annually attracted "all the scum of the country" to the area.

16) In 2009 a Fell Race, known as The Whaley Waltz, was added to the Rose Queen programme and annually attracts over 180 runners.

17) Now, after extensive replanting, the site supports woodland, tall prairie, and lake dune habitat that annually attracts tens of thousands of migratory birds of more than 300 different species.

18) The Museum is a cultural destination that annually attracts an international collection of more than 40,000 quilters and art enthusiasts to the Paducah area.

19) The Patriot Center is also host to over 100 concerts and events throughout the year, annually attracting major performers like the Ringling Bros. and Barnum u0026 Bailey Circus.

20) San Pedro de Atacama is host to the annual "Atacama Crossing", a six-stage, 250 km footrace which annually attracts about 150 competitors from 35 countries.

21) annually attracting 800+ decision-makers and industry leaders from over 30 countries, BPN offers a unique opportunity to access a global network of potential partners.

22) La Fête du Citron ®, an event unique in the world, pride of Mentonnais, annually attracts over 250 000 visitors.

23) Galveston now annually attracts as many as 250,000 revelers throughout the island, which provide a significant boost to the island's midwinter economy.

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