
announce availability in a sentence

1) DEC did not announce availability or pricing.

2) MySQL 5.6 general availability was announced in February 2013.

availability collocations
3) We will announce availability at a major U.S. retailer next week.

4) Verizon announced expanded availability for 2009.

announce availability example sentences

5) Redshift availability was announced on the AWS blog .

6) So far, LG has only announced international availability across its L-series.

7) A press release will be sent formally announcing the availability of the site.

8) GlaxoSmithKline announces the availability of Avandaryl (US only?

9) Thermaltake has announced the availability of a boom box speaker system targeted at smartphones.

10) Professional writer Belinda Broido has announced the availability of online dating profile writing services.

11) The PHP Development Team announces the immediate availability of PHP 5.5.14.

12) Epson America has announced immediate availability of the Moverio through their retail website .

13) Slamtees today announced the availability of the Wikileaks T-Shirt.

14) We are proud to announce the availability of biomarker data we collected in 2009.

example sentences with availability

15) Nvidia officially announced availability of the GeForce 7900 series on March 9, 2006.

16) Nvidia announced immediate availability of the GeForce 7600 series on March 9, 2006.

17) Hi, The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 5.5.11.

18) The United States announced the availability of increased USAID funds to develop the occupied territories.

19) Vigillo announced the availability of a comprehensive report on enforcement disparity by county and state.

20) ICL Plc has formally announced the availability of the Hungarian language version of Officepower.

21) On June 6, 2005 Apple announced the availability of a Developer Transition Kit.

22) Apple iTunes – Ryan Seacrest announces the availability of contestants' performances exclusively via iTunes.

23) In the summer of 2008 TiVo announced the availability of YouTube videos on TiVo.

24) Gibson announced the availability of the Marc Bolan signature Les Paul in February 2011.

25) The PHP development team would like to announce the immediate availability of PHP 5.2.4.

26) Microsoft Corp. today announced the global availability of its popular Windows operating system, Windows 8.

27) PCI-SIG announced the availability of the PCI Express Base 2.0 specification on 15 January 2007.

How to use availability in a sentence

28) E) When announcing consultant availability for services, mental health counselors conscientiously adhere to professional standards.

29) In June 2013 Samsung announced the Korean availability of a 55-inch curved OLED HDTV.

30) Overnight Reputation has announced the availability of new services designed with businesses in Houston in mind.

31) Duo Security announced the availability of an Android utility dubbed ' ReKey ' on Tuesday .

32) US Cellular has officially announced the availability of the 4 G LTE-equipped Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet.

33) TransGaming Technologies announced immediate availability of the "Special Edition" for on August 18, 2008.

34) Letters of intent have no impact on the opportunity for entities to apply when funding availability is announced .

35) On August 31, 2006, Creative announced the availability of an upgraded player with 60 GB capacity.

36) The Open Melody Software Group is pleased to announce the availability of Melody 1.0 for beta testing today.

37) Apptix announced the availability of Apptix Mobile Device Manager for Android and iOS devices earlier this week .

38) Android processor manufacturer Qualcomm Incorporated announced the availability of the SDK for their Snapdragon line of smartphone processors .

39) Rovi announced the availability of its first product as the new company, on January 7, 2010.

40) In March 2007, Sirius announced the upcoming availability of its first video service called "Backseat TV".

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