
ancient astrology in a sentence

1) ancient Astrology: Theory and Practice 35:6.

2) ancient astrology had such a concept, which still prevails: the katarche.

3) The 7 traditional planets can be seen – that lies at the heart of ancient astrology.

4) In ancient Hindu astrology, the modern Crux is referred to as "Trishanku".

ancient astrology example sentences

5) The following planets had no place in ancient astrology because they were not discovered until recent times.

6) The decans are directly connected to ancient astrology ; in modern times the decans have fallen into disuse among astrologers.

7) The point must be admitted, however, that natal interpretation was not the primary application of ancient Vedic Astrology.

8) The first, though based in ancient Mayan astrology, is also related to an event that took place just last month.

9) Interpretive meaning in ancient Vedic astrology comes from knowing the qualities and traits of the Vedic gods who empower the fixed stars.

10) As you see, the first and foremost concern of ancient Vedic astrology is the "birth-star" – the nakṣatra occupied by the Moon.

11) More importantly: today's Vedic astrology is primarily based on 9 planets in 12 signs and houses. 3 ancient Vedic astrology was not.

12) There is a potent form of ancient Chinese astrology which is called Eight Characters (BaZi 八字) or Four Pillars of Destiny as it known in the West.

13) As Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were not part of the ancient Hindu astrology, they have not been given ownership of any sign or any star.

14) Beck thought it ironic that Cumont, "who was himself one of the most eminent scholars of ancient astrology, should have been unaware of this implication.

example sentences with astrology

15) The problem of understanding the exact nature of ancient astrology is that it was only partly documented, leaving the question of the extent of their undocumented astrological knowledge?

16) In ancient India astrology was known as "Jyotish Shastra" which included predictive astrology as well as what we know as Astronomy.

17) While this is an excellent range covering all precisely known historical events, there are some types of ancient astrology and archaeoastronomical research which would require a longer time range.

18) If it is assumed that ancient Indian astrology used a sidereal zodiac, then these statements can be dated astronomically because of the precession of the equinox.

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