
an effort to avoid in a sentence

1) Make an effort to avoid interrupting.

2) The patient should be fasted in an effort to avoid reflux during anesthesia.

avoid collocations
3) and this is the danger of fighting wars in an effort to avoid appeasement.

4) This is done in an effort to avoid becoming an outcast of the group.

an effort to avoid example sentences

5) Some of the internal publications have changed substantially in an effort to avoid becoming obsolete.

6) U.S. lawmakers returned to negotiation on Tuesday in an effort to avoid "fiscal cliff".

7) You may start to change your daily routine in an effort to avoid any possible triggers.

8) Uthman prevented them in an effort to avoid the bloodshed of Muslim by Muslim.

9) ALPA negotiators delivered a new counter-proposal at in an effort to avoid the strike.

10) As a result, many European Christian captives converted in an effort to avoid cruel punishments.

11) In mainline liberal Protestant denominations, there is an effort to avoid Biblical condemnation of homosexuality.

12) As long as wind farmers make an effort to avoid killing bald eagles, everything is good.

13) Acceptable overtriage rates have been typically up to 50% in an effort to avoid undertriage.

14) The parishioners are using this rear entrance in an effort to avoid this behaviour from the picketers.

example sentences with avoid

15) Lenders approve Short Sales and accept the resulting loss in an effort to avoid bigger losses through foreclosure.

16) Legal economic activity may also be part of the underground, usually in an effort to avoid taxation.

17) In an effort to avoid a war with Mouzone, Avon reluctantly tells him Stringer's whereabouts.

18) WIGan are poised to take a Championship gamble in an effort to avoid a big backlog of games.

19) Sometimes, in an effort to avoid nitrates, consumers turn to products labelled "no added nitrates".

20) I'm only including poetry that I believe was published before 1927 in an effort to avoid violating copyrights.

21) For example, making an effort to avoid catching the common cold affects people other than the decision maker.

22) The FIA say it is in an effort to avoid the title battle being decided before the final race.

23) They look closely at contractors operations and financial statements in an effort to avoid any hint of potential trouble.

24) This time he made more of an effort to avoid arrest by taking a job with a traveling minister.

25) In an effort to avoid these congested facilities, some networks have established private bilateral interconnection facilities with their peers.

26) Some companies are also involved in potentially adding a glucagon pump to these systems in an effort to avoid hypoglycemia.

27) Identify mistakes your parents made, and make an effort to avoid passing them on to the next several generations.

How to use avoid in a sentence

28) Be Proud Of Your Strengths and Accomplishments People will often downplay their success in an effort to avoid bragging.

29) The "Check on Your Neighbors" project was also unveiled in an effort to avoid heat-related deaths and illnesses.

30) In an effort to avoid controversy, sites are located in areas where communities are least capable of mounting an opposition.

31) Some of these people even drink their coffee black – and HATE it – in an effort to avoid dairy.

32) This is an effort to avoid getting bogged down in design and requiring a lot of effort to implement anything else.

33) The technology transfers are being made outside official Russian channels, in an effort to avoid direct clashes with the US.

34) She began to struggle, tossing her head wildly from side to side in an effort to avoid his marauding lips.

35) Chancellor Mitchell did not shake hands with the graduates or personally sign their diplomas, in an effort to avoid incidents.

36) Carpenter attempted another pass but threw the ball hurriedly in an effort to avoid a sack by Texas linebacker Roddrick Muckelroy.

37) In an effort to avoid the structure u0026 hierarchy of most Buddhist institutions, UM is now modeled as a network.

38) Not much is known about Cuzcatlán, as it was abandoned by its inhabitants in an effort to avoid Spanish rule.

39) In an effort to avoid the Pharisaical approach of petty laws, modern day Sabbath-keepers give few positive statements of Sabbath-keeping.

40) Chloride of lime was spread over the six still open mass graves identified above in an effort to avoid epidemics breaking out.

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