an article of faith in a sentence
1) It's an article of faith that usually goes unchallenged.
article collocations
2) Small is beautiful is almost an article of faith in Britain.
3) It is an article of faith for me.
an article of faith example sentences
4) That is an article of faith for him.5) But they were an article of faith , not science.
6) Many academic historians take that as an article of faith .
7) Zakat, like prayers is an article of faith .
8) It is an article of faith .
9) It was an article of faith .
10) That Iran has a nuclear weapons program is simply an article of faith .
11) Audubon made it an article of faith to depict his birds lifesize.
12) But by that time Ptolemy's system had become an article of faith .
13) It would be an article of faith with him to believe that.
14) To consider a murder of a believer HarÄm is an article of faith .
15) The theory is merely an article of faith ; part of the atheistic creed.
example sentences with an article of faith
16) To the Kremlin, this is a maxim, an article of faith .17) Planning families was an article of faith in ours, and our parents' generations.
18) Is it therefore not an article of faith , in so far as thus founded?
19) The belief in all the prophets of Allah is an article of faith in Islam.
20) It has been an article of faith in automotive plants that an assembly line must never stop.
21) In the Western world, it has been an article of faith that Mugabe rigs elections.
22) The veracity of the apparitions of Lourdes is not an article of faith for Catholics.
23) All members of the Inner Party believe in this coming conquest as an article of faith .
24) The answer to that question will always remain a matter of conjecture, an article of faith .
25) This "China as a special case" fallacy became an article of faith among 20th-century scholars.
26) But even then it was an article of faith that an essential element of that abstraction was freedom.
27) All CRHT services rest to some extent on an article of faith (supported by limited research evidence).
28) In 1950 Pius XII infallibly defined the Assumption of Mary as an article of faith for Roman Catholics.
How to use an article of faith in a sentence
29) It was an article of faith with this circle that women must free themselves from the erotic patronage of men.30) When it comes to hydropower, Schumacher's aphorism is often interpreted literally and taken as an article of faith .
31) The principle of Ockhams Razor, admittedly an article of faith itself, would suggest that our reality is virtual.
32) But no women ! That is a different matter, an article of faith with many Masons in our jurisdictions.
33) This is not a NT teaching but was made an article of faith for Roman Catholics in the nineteenth century.
34) And they are not limited to Kabbalah; red strings represent an article of faith in a number of different beliefs.
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