
amazed at the way in a sentence

1) I'm amazed at the way emotions can bring in the change.

amazed collocations
2) I was amazed at the way we adjusted to this shocking event so quickly.

3) We think you'll be amazed at the ways you helped kids in our community!

amazed at the way example sentences

4) Belford is amazed at the way Clarissa handles her approaching death and laments what Lovelace has done.

5) True Legend who is over looked by the world I am amazed at the way he was mishandled .

6) I was amazed at the way you felt like you had known him for years, after just a few words.

7) I am always amazed at the way colleagues in the US carry this information around in their heads without having to think about it.

8) They left the cottage, leaving a grateful if sad couple who were quite amazed at the way in which their problem had been solved.

9) I am equally amazed at the way I can sit down at a computer at my home or office and use the Internet to send a letter in seconds to almost any place in the world.

10) Many people are absolutely amazed at the way our equipment draws the moisture from the walls, ceilings, contents, and, in most cases, even the carpet and pad.

11) I WAS amazed at the way almost all the British newspapers combined to blame the shooting of peaceful demonstrators in the Ciskei, South Africa, on the dead demonstrators.

12) You will find no grain, no soy and no wheat in the recipe and I was amazed at the way the Farm cats took to this food.

13) Whether you are retired or a young working professional, you will be amazed at the way BOD service will enrich your life.

14) " I was so amazed at the way he could see things!

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