
also assure in a sentence

1) Only gathering essential coupons also assures your coupons are neatly held.

2) Average birth weight is 70 pounds which also assures calving ease.

assure collocations
3) That will also assure very low sales for BlackBerry .

4) Much medical opinion also assures us that hypnosis is not essential.

also assure example sentences

5) Can you also assure me that war in Georgia never happened?

6) I can also assure you that these reviews are all genuine!

7) Kabandha also assured Rama that he would definitely meet Sita again.

8) It also assured Japanese rights to engage in industrial enterprises in China.

9) Iran also assured Pakistan of its continued support and aid into future.

10) Heinrich also assured that material was not repeated throughout the game's script.

11) She also assures Ysandre that Drustan is alive and crowned.

12) I hope that the Minister will also assure us on those points.

13) Holder also assured Konovalov that Snowden would not be tortured.

14) Iraqi officials also assured al-Sadr that he was not to face arrest.

example sentences with assure

15) He also assured the participants of fair officiating, which marred past editions.

16) It also assures her that the Earl is out of the country.

17) Can also assure weighted load balancing of Diameter messages to various endpoints;.

18) He also assured the fans that the pre-booked tickets were for Kelantan supporters.

19) The Turks also assured themselves of their best ever performance at the World Championship.

20) The UWA also assured admissions with scholarships to deserving faculty for their PhD programmes.

21) MacDonald also assured Alami that the Mandate would be replaced with a treaty.

22) An attorney for McCartney also assured Branca that McCartney was not interested in bidding.

23) Ranay also assured viewers that the story will not suffer because of the extensions.

24) He also assures her that he will follow her to the palace in disguise.

25) Nurse Miller also assures Tadpole Frogg he is growing at just the right pace.

26) Aamir, during his visit, also assured Bhagirath and Basanti of help.

27) The rules also assured broker-dealers would implement risk controls to reduce the chance of computer glitches.

How to use assure in a sentence

28) Apple also assures that its refurbished iPods meet the same quality standards as new iPods.

29) Printing not only made possible the mass production of books, but also assured their accuracy.

30) I've also assured her that his involvement with another woman was only a temporary madness.

31) Kirsty also assured everyone she felt strong and thanked everyone who has shown her love and support .

32) Kaifu also assured the USA that Japan would adopt a larger political role in international affairs.

33) He also assured religious freedom to Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and others within this area.

34) They also assured Ananya that the teacher was wrong and she was right in speaking up.

35) Since the loyal Verbruggen couple always moved as a unit, Susanna's services were also assured.

36) But he also assures them that he intends to kill the warrior should they do so.

37) They also assured the public that any permanent changes would have to go to full public consultation .

38) The Diablo 3 developer also assured console fans that the PC game will be optimized for both consoles.

39) They were also assured that the process was entirely anonymous and that all information would be kept confidential.

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