
allograph in a sentence

1) They may be seen as clauses of allographs , as phonemes can be seen as classes of allophones.

2) These individual variations are known as allographs of a grapheme (compare with the term allophone used in linguistic study).

3) For example, the minuscule letter a has different allographs when written as a cursive, block, or typed letter.

allograph example sentences

4) Some letters are preferred for the first position, others for the second . The latter have allographs in English orthography.

5) These allographs , called কার "kar" are dependent, diacritical vowel forms and cannot stand on their own.

6) Gill was commissioned to develop a typeface with the number of allographs limited to what could be used on Monotype or Linotype machines.

7) Barthel (1971) claimed to have parsed the corpus of glyphs to 120, of which the other 480 in his inventory are allographs or ligatures.

8) Barthel assigned a three-digit numeric code to each glyph or to each group of similar-looking glyphs that he believed to be allographs (variants).

9) Such suspected allophones/ allographs are listed on a common row in the table below.

10) Allograph - a variant form of a grapheme, as 'm' or 'M' or a handwritten version of that grapheme

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