
alliance treaty in a sentence

1) In 1875 Peru postponed the Argentine signing of the alliance treaty .

alliance collocations
2) Initially, there was the purely military alliance treaty of Pereiaslav.

3) Stalin did conclude a new friendship and alliance treaty with Mao after he defeated Chiang.

alliance treaty example sentences

4) An audience is arranged and Aguiar draws up a commercial and alliance treaty between Portugal and Sofala.

5) American non-alignment makes China fear less and America's allies doubt more about the efficacy of alliance treaties .

6) Bolivia called on Peru to activate the alliance treaty , arguing that Chile's invasion constituted a casus foederis.

7) According to this usage , allies become so not when concluding an alliance treaty but when struck by war.

8) In a point of the PRC's view, the military alliance treaty implicitly directs to the Taiwan Strait.

9) In February 1533, Fribourg openly revoked the alliance treaty of 1526, and later even made plans to invade Geneva.

10) Following the 1526 alliance treaty , Charles III of Savoy was not willing to concede defeat in Geneva, and constantly plotted to take over that city again.

11) However, the Minister of War, Enver Pasha, favoured an alliance with Germany, leading to a secret alliance treaty being signed between the two governments.

12) In 1500, the 2nd Portuguese India Armada, under Pedro Álvares Cabral, visited Kilwa itself, and attempted to negotiate a commercial and alliance treaty with Emir Ibrahim.

13) There had also been expectations that a military alliance treaty between the United States and Russia would be signed during the meeting; however this was not the case.

14) The Western Allies, despite having alliance treaties with Poland and despite Polish contribution, also left Poland within the Soviet sphere of influence.

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