
alleged abduction in a sentence

1) Abductees reporting these implants often claim to experience nosebleeds after the alleged abduction .

2) Virginia authorities are investigating the alleged abduction of a woman outside of a Target Store .

3) It is reported that they seem to age normally over the course of repeated alleged abductions .

alleged abduction example sentences

alleged abduction example sentences

4) Most of ISI's alleged abductions come from the Makran and coastal regions of Balochistan.

5) Yesterday the Irish and British governments announced that the Commission would examine the events surrounding the alleged abduction .

6) The Walton case received mainstream publicity and remains one of the "best-known instances of alleged alien abduction ".

7) And the more bizarre the alleged abduction , the closer this figure tended towards 1.0, or total subjectivity.

8) This category is much more controversial and inherently implausible, as it contains the alleged abductions of humans on board a UFO.

9) Furthermore, it is rare for a nation to extradite one of its own citizens to another country for alleged parental abduction .

10) Special judges ('Liaison Judges') have been appointed in the UK and Pakistan to deal with alleged child abduction between the two countries.

11) However, in his first book on the subject, Klass argued that plasmas could explain most or all UFOs, even cases of alleged alien abduction .

12) However, Klass quickly expanded his hypothesis arguing that most if not all UFOs, and even cases of alleged alien abduction , could be explained as plasmas.

13) Sharpton, Maddox, and Mason had accused the Dutchess County prosecutor, Steven Pagones, of racism and of being one of the perpetrators of the alleged abduction and rape.

14) Regarding the " alleged abduction ", Mjadu said there were concerns "that it displayed features that cause suspicions about its authenticity".

15) Two hours before his alleged abduction , the 45-year-old told a reporter he was being targeted by both "IRA elements" and loyalists.

use alleged abduction in a sentence

16) The mainstream Provisional IRA leadership has denied it authorised the alleged abduction of a well-known Republican dissident from a Belfast pub at the weekend.

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