
all American in a sentence

1) All American news is rightly considered tabloid television .

all collocations
2) All American aircraft remained over international waters.

3) I am saving for an all American though.

all American example sentences

4) All American coins are struck this way.

5) She earned her second straight cross country all American award.

6) Almost all American schools organize groups of children by age.

7) Since 1938 it has been used on all American coins.

8) It called for equal treatment for all American citizens alike.

9) The all American young man that he is.

10) I decline to subsidize gun purchases by all American males.

11) He couldnt get any more all American .

12) Nearly all American products specify tolerance in Pounds.

13) He's the quintessential all American golden boy.

14) It is used exclusively for all American Airlines flights.

15) She was twice named a Parade all American .

example sentences with all American

16) Nearly all American Cream Draft horses are gold champagne.

17) Iron-strapped wooden rails were used on all American railways until 1831.

18) It is a powerful dream that all Americans strive toward.

19) The cities in the prototypes were of course all American cities.

20) The Mint announced a competition open to all American sculptors.

21) All American forces would be withdrawn by 30 June 1949.

22) In 1999, the all American was given a further redesign.

23) Eventually, all American flights were moved to Terminal 4.

24) The all American Quiz covers it all .

25) It professes to protect all American industries.

26) He was named Honorable Mention all American in 1983.

27) It has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels.

28) Such is the shrewdness of all American politicians.

How to use all American in a sentence

29) I just got an all American pressure caner.

30) Nearly all American communications to Europe first passed through the island.

31) Freedom of religion is a Constitutional right of all American citizens .

32) Our collection is all American ," Hamm said.

33) To our buyers at all American sales in November.

34) The CNU baseball team has fielded 6 all American Athletes.

35) The other tackle was " all American " from Rice University.

36) Free safety Antonio Simmons would be named honorable mention all American .

37) Iverson was named as a First Team all American .

38) About half of all American adults have cholesterol levels categorized as high.

39) Davis was both a high school all American in football and basketball.

40) Led all American League catchers in fielding percentage in 1989.

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