
alien encounter in a sentence

1) Already, my oldest son remembers the ExtraTERRORestrial alien encounter with fondness.

alien collocations
2) Based on the former Magic Kingdom attraction, ExtraTERRORestrial alien encounter .

3) Around half of all reported alien encounters in the United States describe Grey aliens.

alien encounter example sentences

4) But the film picks up when the alien encounters a man with severe deformities.

5) Pit Drones are the second type of Race X aliens encountered in the game.

6) It's more like recalling a dream, or a drug experience, or an alien encounter .

7) Every time a person talks about alien encounters , the first thing people will do is laugh.

8) You will work together ." Chalk up another set of virtually omnipotent aliens encountered by the Enterprise crew.

9) The theory acknowledges the close parallels between alien encounters and experiences with non-human entities that litter the annals of folklore.

10) Archarya S believes in UFOs and alien encounters and makes a huge number of untrue claims in her work.

11) Nickell proposes that alien encounters are the result of misinterpreted natural phenomena, hoaxes, or a fantasy prone personality.

12) An "Alien"-based attraction at the Magic Kingdom entered early development stages before being reworked into ExtraTERRORestrial alien encounter .

13) Not the sort of thing you'll likely see at parties, but you might run across an ad from someone seeking such alien encounters .

14) Over the next two years Donna met Rose at several alien encounters which the Doctor would have prevented in the "correct" timeline, had he not died in 2007.

15) Logan's father, Walter, disappeared during an unexplained alien encounter at Roswell, New Mexico; his grandfather was one of the original members of the Alliance.

example sentences with alien encounter

16) Despite the focus on survival, the show "will also focus on exploration and adventure - and, by extension, the occasional alien encounter as well".

17) This Tomorrowland was planned to have more of an extraterrestrial theme, and was going to replace Mission to Mars with ExtraTERRORestrial alien encounter .

18) An ExtraTERRORestrial alien encounter :" Four players ride inside a rescue vehicle to save astronauts: one player drives, the other three shoot enemy aliens.

19) His 1978 book about the alleged alien encounter , "The Walton Experience", was loosely adapted into the 1993 movie Fire in the Sky by Paramount Pictures.

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