
alien abductee in a sentence

1) Many skeptics believe alien abductees to be outright lying about their abduction experiences.

2) Many alien abductees recall much of their abduction(s) through hypnosis.

3) He is considered by some ufologists to be one of the first alien abductees in Britain.

alien abductee example sentences

4) The character of Roky Crikenson is named after musician Roky Erickson, who claims to be an alien abductee .

5) Mulder is recruited to assist in a hostage negotiation when Duane Barry, an alien abductee , captures four people.

6) When the car loses power, Mulder realizes that nine minutes disappeared after the flash, a phenomenon reported by alien abductees .

7) This is especially perplexing in light of the fact that African-Americans are, in a very real sense, the descendants of alien abductees .

8) Meanwhile, a fishing trawler finds the decomposing body of Billy Miles (Zachary Ansley)–an alien abductee who had been taken the same time as Mulder.

9) Outside the hospital, Mulder explains to Scully that he believes Miles, O'Dell, and the victims to be alien abductees .

10) When she was abducted by Duane Barry, a self-proclaimed alien abductee , it was the only item left behind in Barry's getaway car.

11) It has been pointed out that the Grey aliens (historically referred to as "little green men"), described by many alien abductees have similarly shaped heads.

12) This idea was used by Steven Spielberg for his science fiction film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", which features the lost Flight 19 aircrews as alien abductees .

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