airy wave in a sentence
1) Airy wave theory is often used in ocean engineering and coastal engineering.
airy collocations
2) Only at fourth order contributions deviating from first-order theory - i.e. airy wave theory - appear.
3) Diffraction is one of the wave effects which can be described with airy wave theory.
airy wave example sentences
4) In the table below, several flow quantities and parameters according to airy wave theory are given.5) He swung himself on to his horse, and with an airy wave clattered into the darkness.
6) The infinitesimal wave-height limit ("m" → 0) of the potential energy is "Epot" = "Ï" "g" "H2", which is in agreement with airy wave theory.
7) For infinitesimal wave height the results of cnoidal wave theory are expected to converge towards those of airy wave theory for the limit of long waves "λ" "h".
8) Several second-order wave properties, "i.e." quadratic in the wave amplitude "a", can be derived directly from airy wave theory.
9) When "ω" and "k" satisfy the dispersion relation, the wave amplitude "a" can be chosen freely (but small enough for airy wave theory to be a valid approximation).
10) Airy wave theory is a linear theory for the propagation of waves on the surface of a potential flow and above a horizontal bottom.
11) Airy wave theory uses a potential flow (or velocity potential) approach to describe the motion of gravity waves on a fluid surface.
12) intermediate depth - all other cases, "λ" "h" 1â„2 "λ", where both water depth and period (or wavelength) have a significant influence on the solution of airy wave theory.
13) Airy wave theory
14) The dashed black lines show 1/16 ("kH")2 and 1/8 ("kH")2, being the values of the integral properties as derived from (linear) Airy wave theory.
15) The airy wave train
example sentences with airy wave
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