
airport traffic in a sentence

1) Because of the traffic jam, it's hard to predict how long it will take to get to the airport.

2) Flights, airport traffic , and destination weather.

airport collocations
3) This will reduce fuel consumption and will allow for further increases in airport traffic .

airport traffic example sentences

4) It is located facing southbound traffic into Victoria greeting residents, ferry and airport traffic .

5) There were repeated clashes and further disruptions to port and airport traffic during the month.

6) Towers and centers do not have nontower airport traffic and runway in use information.

7) The following year Fort Wayne International Airport's traffic dropped after the September 11 attacks.

8) A significant amount of the airport's traffic flies in and out during the peak winter season.

9) Domestic travel also accounts for a large share of airport traffic , particularly transcontinental and Florida service.

10) Once they've entered the airport traffic pattern, they may find the flaps will not extend.

11) Airport traffic : Traffic at both towered and non-towered airports often necessitates wide variations in landing patterns.

12) As Hong Kong International Airport traffic continues to climb, immigration lines can often be a struggle.

13) Airport Traffic Control Tower.

14) The terminal had 4.4 million passengers (35.98% of total airport traffic in the country) in 2006.

15) City officials hope that a longer runway will increase airport traffic by drawing in heavier planes fueled for longer flights.

example sentences with airport traffic

16) Airport traffic : People who live very close to airports often deal with noise pollution from incoming and outbound planes.

17) Aside from cargo access on its south side, all airport traffic travels through the east side of the airport.

18) However, in 2009, airport traffic has fallen by almost 20% in just two years to 13.4 million.

19) Shortly after taking over, the PA reported that the airport's traffic for 2007 would be triple that of 2006.

20) Hence, the line is expected to draw both airport traffic and commuters from the far western suburbs of Washington, DC.

21) With the recent delivery of five motorcycles, this program has the capability of addressing all of the Airport's traffic needs.

22) Airport traffic was up from year-ago levels across the district, and Rocky Mountain resorts reported strong increases in activity from last year.

23) But that conversation was between two people who should have been on top of the information -- people in an airport traffic control tower.

24) A clearance must be obtained prior to taxiing on a runway, taking off, or landing during the hours an Airport Traffic Control Tower is in operation.

25) Approval must be obtained prior to moving an aircraft or vehicle onto the movement area during the hours an Airport Traffic Control Tower is in operation.

26) Aircraft operating in these procedurally excluded areas will only be provided airport traffic control services when in communication with the secondary airport tower.

27) Although, according to UPI, the object was detected by the Helsinki airport radar, the airport's traffic controller Ari Hämäläinen claimed it was not.

28) The airport's traffic control communicated with the pilots in Russian, and one of the controllers claimed the Polish crew had problems communicating in this language.

29) Its primary purpose is to distribute east side airport traffic from and to Eastbound Loop 202 and I-10 without utilizing stop-and-go surface streets.

30) Without the airport traffic , the profitability in the project fell through and the Public Roads Administration called to instead prioritize other investments.

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