
air sign in a sentence

1) Air signs are the zodiac's information processors.

air collocations
2) Fire signs work well with air signs .

3) It is the only air sign planet.

air sign example sentences

4) Aquarius (being an air sign ) rules ideas.

5) Many planets are in Aquarius - a fixed air sign .

6) Air signs are all about the movement and communication of ideas.

7) If you need something written or spoken, ask an air sign .

8) The fires stimulate and help motivate the air signs into new ideas.

9) Unlike the air signs , the water signs are non-verbal.

10) I've always loved being a Gemini and an air sign .

11) Gemini is the child of the air signs , ruled by Mercury.

12) Being an air sign , Aquarius conveniently embodies a vessel for water reaching heaven.

13) As a mutable air sign , Gemini is particularly good at multi-tasking.

14) This sign's need to communicate is the strongest of all the air signs .

15) Fire and air signs are considered masculine, while water and earth signs are considered feminine.

example sentences with air sign

16) Very social these air signs .

17) The air signs are so objective they can become impractical in their actions and beliefs.

18) Without the encouragement and ideas of the air signs the fire signs would be lost.

19) The air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are noted for their communication skills.

20) May 21st-- Sun moves into Gemini -- the mutable air sign ruled by Mercury.

21) Some have said that this meaning derives from it's being an air sign that is fixed.

22) Being an air sign , Gemini enjoys the exchange of ideas with others--this is no loner.

23) Well being an air sign I now understand why I have the nickname Lady Bug, haha.

24) Libra is a special sign for you, and is an air sign , just like yours.

25) Air signs are impersonal - they have the gift of detachment and objectivity and the gift of perspective.

26) I expect that you may well have an emphasis of planets in air signs and not much water?

27) Turn the valve near the air sign to supply one of the elements the machine needs to work.

28) Libra is the exception to the rule; it's a masculine air sign and is considered semi fruitful.

How to use air sign in a sentence

29) Plants are believed to favor certain signs, for instance flowers prefer air signs like Libra, Gemini and Aquarius.

30) Restless and curious, air signs continually hunger for new ideas to chew on and they need lots of stimulation.

31) You are men who in your "lives fought for life... and left the vivid air signed with your honor.

32) The elements of earth and fire have their own ways of responding to the detached, objectivity of the air signs .

33) When an air sign is on the ascendant the subject is friendly and sociable, but also independent and somewhat detached.

34) Air signs tend to 'live in their heads' and are often out of touch with and embarrassed by emotions.

35) Try out an Aries...if that doesn't work, try out another air sign such as Aquarius or Gemini.

36) Although this is an air sign and therefore rather mental in its orientation, the Twins represent something more primal than thinking.

37) And if you have no planets in air signs , you are not supposed to communicate too well or do much writing.

38) The May 2000 conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will occur in the earth sign Taurus, and will be followed by a series occurring in air signs .

39) But there is an inherent tension between Libra and Capricorn because, although they are both cardinal signs, Libra is an air sign and Capricorn is an earth sign.

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