
advocate autonomy in a sentence

1) By contrast the Interior Minister, Pierre Joxe, advocated greater internal autonomy.

2) While remaining committed to the political left, he thus advocated a certain autonomy of art.

autonomy collocations
3) Henryk Józewski advocated a self-governance autonomy for Ukrainians in Volhynia 1928-1938.

4) It advocates more autonomy for the region and its positions are very close to the Socialist party's.

advocate autonomy example sentences

5) In Azerbaijan a more moderate organization called Samur was formed, advocating more cultural autonomy for Lezgins in Azerbaijan.

6) During the Revolution in the Kingdom of Poland, he advocated broader Polish autonomy within the Russian Empire.

7) The ADQ advocated the autonomy of individuals, the autonomy of municipal governments, and the autonomy of Quebec within Canada.

8) Spencer was the leading advocate of this view on the MFGB executive, persistently advocating greater district autonomy and full membership balloting.

9) The Awami League advocated greater autonomy for East Pakistan but the military government did not permit Mujibur Rahman to form a government.

10) The Lombardy League advocated effective autonomy for the region, and an end to what it regarded as the squandering of locally created wealth by central government.

11) The 12th century saw a reforming movement within the Church, however, advocating greater autonomy from royal authority for the clergy and more influence for the papacy.

12) The People's Party supports a more centralized Spain, with a unitary market, and usually doesn't support movements advocating greater regional autonomy.

13) In March 1999 another organization, the Federal Lezgin National Cultural Autonomy, was established as an extraterritorial movement advocating cultural autonomy for Lezgins.

14) The Croatian Peasant Party (HSS), established in 1904 and led by Stjepan Radić, advocated Croatian autonomy but achieved only moderate gains by 1918.

example sentences with autonomy

15) The central thrust of the Commission report, for example, is to advocate greater autonomy for schools to encourage more diversity in the system.

16) the September 1, 1931, assassination of Tadeusz Hołówko, a moderate Polish politician, who advocated cultural autonomy for Ukrainians.

17) However, there are links between the RDTLs leader and activities and Abílio Araújo who, at the time of the referendum, advocated autonomy within Indonesia for East Timor." East Timor Observatory

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