
acute asthma in a sentence

1) To counter the attack of acute allergic asthma are useful corticosteroids.

2) This is where the family moved when Ernesto started to suffer bouts of acute asthma.

3) An example would be the inappropriate use to relieve anxiety associated with acute severe asthma.

4) For eighteen months or more I suffered from chest spasms or a form of acute asthma.

acute asthma example sentences

5) Guevara grows sick and by Day 280 can barely breathe as a result of his acute asthma.

6) Some individuals will have stable asthma for weeks or months and then suddenly develop an episode of acute asthma.

7) The British Thoracic Society's guidelines recommend that the treatment of acute severe asthma includes nebulised bronchodilators and systemic steroids.

8) Chronic asthma is not caused by allergens but rather is the result of inflammation due to repeated episodes of acute asthma .

9) It is believed to stop asthma and is prescribed to be taken between bouts of asthma, but not for acute asthma.

10) Steroids can be added systemically to manage acute asthma, but sickle cell patients should be monitored for the development of vaso-occlusive events.

11) Recent evidence show that nebulizers are no more effective than metered-dose inhalers (MDIs) with spacers and that MDIs may offer advantages in children with acute asthma.

12) Guidelines for acute severe asthma based on hospital experience may not be an appropriate yardstick by which to judge how asthma attacks are measured in the community.

13) acute severe asthma, previously known as status asthmaticus, is an acute exacerbation of asthma that does not respond to standard treatments of bronchodilators and corticosteroids.

14) Evaluation of the circumstances of her death and her medical history concluded that her death was from acute asthma due to environmental tobacco smoke at work.

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