
actor audition in a sentence

1) Hundreds of actors auditioned and 28 were cast.

2) Over 100 actors auditioned to voice the character.

audition collocations
3) Over 200 actors auditioned for the role.

4) Over 200 unknown actors auditioned for Superman.

actor audition example sentences

5) Over a hundred actors auditioned for the role.

6) This normally requires that actors audition.

7) More than 4,000 child actors auditioned.

8) Over three hundred young actors auditioned for the roles of the foster children.

9) Over one hundred actors auditioned for the role of Charlie Eppes.

10) Many actors auditioned to play Jack, but Amalm was eventually cast.

11) Over 100 unknown actors auditioned for Curt Henderson before Richard Dreyfuss was cast.

12) actors auditioning are often asked to prepare two monologues, one classical and one modern.

13) In 1987 over three hundred actors auditioned for the roles of the Fletcher's foster children.

14) Over 1,400 actors auditioned for the role of Szpilman at a casting call in London.

example sentences with audition

15) Several actors auditioned for the part of Watson, and Martin Freeman eventually took the role.

16) Five hundred actors auditioned, and James Franco was ultimately cast as James Dean in May 2000.

17) More than 100 actors auditioned for the role, with only about ten considered by the producers.

18) More than 100 actors auditioned for the role of John Doggett, but only about ten were considered.

19) The narrative style was influenced by a casting session Morgan witnessed where an actor auditioning sounded like Truman Capote.

20) When casting roles in his movies, Refn doesn't watch casting tapes or have his actors audition for him.

21) An adaptation of Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1891) was performed recently in Geneva with professional actors auditioned and cast in London.

22) The actors auditioning for Schmidt were more varied in appearance than those auditioning for Nick, and Johnson and Greenfield were initially worried that they looked too much alike.

23) More than forty actors auditioned for the role of Clark; among them was James Jagger, who began talks with producers in May 2010.

24) Of the many actors auditioning, the producers found that Nick Stahl brought a "particular introspection" to the character, "project a great deal of sensitivity, of quiet intelligence, of pain.

25) The Australian actor auditioned with an American accent, but when the writers found out about his Australian background, that influenced Cane's backstory.

26) Ken Kwapis, the director of the pilot episode, liked the way Phyllis Smith, a casting associate, read with other actors auditioning so much that he cast her as Phyllis.

27) Several actors auditioned for the lead role of Sweetback, but told Van Peebles that they wouldn't do the film unless they were given more dialogue.

28) The actors auditioned using the "grab a spoon" scene, and many arrived in character with "lots of chest showing".

29) Many actors auditioned for the part, but Metcalf, according to Whedon, played it with more complexity, bringing a "sly and kind of urbane" sensitivity and a charm to the villainy of the character.

30) The producers conducted a long search for the actor to play the title role: over 400 actors auditioned for the part, and at one time, Dick Shawn was reported to be their preferred choice.

31) Various actors auditioned for additional roles in the film, including Jim Carrey for the role of Prince Eric, and comedians Bill Maher and Michael Richards for the role of Scuttle.

32) In 1975, George Lucas hired him to read lines for actors auditioning for parts in the film "Star Wars" (1977).

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