
activity dependent in a sentence

1) Advancement in these activities is dependent on the individual event involved.

2) The lead times are useful in planning other activities dependent on this stage being completed.

3) Activity Level: A description of types of activities dependent on the functional area.

activity dependent example sentences

4) This variable activity is dependent on Robo or UNC-5 receptor expression at growth cones.

5) Therefore, the microbial activity is strongly dependent on the redox potential of the anode.

6) Neuronal activity is dependent upon neural membrane potential and the changes that occur along and across it.

7) The PLA2 activity is not dependent on the concentration of pancreatic group I PLA2 in serum.

8) Polar maritime activity is dependent not only on good quality ships, but also on competent human resource.

9) PKB activity is dependent on serum growth factors, which activate PI3K (Franke, 1997).

10) This anti-tumor activity is dependent on macrophages which reside outside of the tumor microenvironment and never infiltrate tumor lesions.

11) However it should be noted that the concentration required for bactericidal activity is also highly dependent on bacterial concentration.

12) This may suggest that Calabozos' activity is more dependent on local processes than subduction of the Nazca Plate.

13) Return to normal shoes and activities are dependent on the type of procedure and should be discussed with your surgeon.

14) The degree of complexity relative to these activities are dependent on the experience level and abilities of any one individual.

15) Obviously, the existence of such ties and their translation into present day activity is dependent on geographical and social stability.

use activity dependent in a sentence

16) Activity is dependent on the presence of reducing agent and shows no requirement for divalent cations (data not shown).

17) Resumption of running activity is usually dependent on the runner's limits of pain and motion, and is begun to tolerance.

18) This is because the hydrogen and hydroxide ions' activity is dependent on ionic strength, so Kw varies with ionic strength.

19) The tool doesn't account for weather, but can be useful to plan photo shoots or other activities dependent on daylight.

20) Projects can be one day or a multi-day or multi-week activity largely dependent on the child's own interest and learning needs.

21) Frequency As with developing a CSF team, determining how often to perform a CSF activity is also highly dependent on many factors.

22) Many fish activities are dependent on olfaction, such as: mating, discriminating kin, avoiding predators, locating food, contaminant avoidance, imprinting and homing.

23) In 1982, Gross observed spontaneous electrophysiological activity from dissociated spinal cord neurons, and found that activity was very dependent on temperature.

24) Sustaining guerrilla activity was dependent on sectors of the population known as ""enlaces" (literally, "links" or "relationships").

25) This is the popular notion of the main police function, but the frequency of such activity is dependent on geography and season.

26) It has been suggested that male activity is dependent on temperature, since below 59ÌŠF (15ÌŠC) only a small number of males are found to be actively looking for females.

27) In soils they live in a film of water around plant roots or other particles, and their activity is dependent on the temperature and the amount of available moisture.

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