
active immunity in a sentence

1) Another way to produce active immunity is by vaccination.

2) This is part of A.passive immunity B. active immunity 17.

3) This is known as active immunity .

active immunity example sentences

4) One way to acquire active immunity is to have the natural disease.

5) Active immunity is protection that is produced by the person's own immune system.

6) This is active immunity because the body's immune system prepares itself for future challenges.

7) In Europe, the induction of active immunity emerged in an attempt to contain smallpox.

8) Artificially acquired active immunity can be induced by a vaccine, a substance that contains antigen.


10) The primary significance of passively acquired antibody is that it interferes with the development of active immunity .

11) The use of vaccine is the only way to ensure that gilts develop active immunity before conception.

12) Active immunity is stimulation of the immune system to produce antigen-specific humoral (antibody) and cellular immunity.

13) Artificially initiated active immunity .

14) A vaccine induces active immunity when antigens are injected into an animal that cause it to produce desired antibodies itself.

15) Unlike passive immunity, which is temporary, active immunity usually lasts for many years, often for a lifetime.

use active immunity in a sentence

16) She is exhibiting: A. active immunity B.passive immunity C.an immune deficiency reaction D.an autoimmune disease 30.

17) This is part of A passive immunity b. active immunity Mader - 007 Chapter... 90 17.

18) A b. c. d. e. active immunity passive immunity nonspecific immunity general immunity This is not considered an example of immunity.

19) Active immunity often involves both the cell-mediated and humoral aspects of immunity as well as input from the innate immune system.

20) Passive immunity is the transfer of active immunity , in the form of readymade antibodies, from one individual to another.

21) Natural active immunity .

22) Artificially acquired active immunity - immunity acquired after a deliberate injection of a foreign antigen (vaccine); the host produces the antibodies.

23) Naturally acquired active immunity - immunity acquired by virtue of exposure to a microbe, foreign cell or toxin; the host produces the antibodies.

24) The vaccines currently available stimulate active immunity against HBV infection and provide over 90% protection against hepatitis B for seven or more years.

25) What type of immunity is this? a. B c. d. e. active immunity passive immunity clonal immunity general immunity This is not an example of immunity.

26) She is exhibiting: A b. c. d. active immunity passive immunity an immune deficiency reaction an autoimmune disease Mader - 007 Chapter... 89 30.

27) A. active immunity B.passive immunity C.nonspecific immunity D.general immunity E.This is not considered an example of immunity. 18.

28) Many disorders of immune system function can affect the formation of active immunity such as immunodeficiency (both acquired and congenital forms) and immunosuppression.

How to use active immunity in a sentence

29) Naturally acquired active immunity occurs when a person is exposed to a live pathogen, and develops a primary immune response, which leads to immunological memory.

30) ( SBX211) 2009 SBX211 Retro active immunity given to California judges for openly taking bribes.

31) Active immunity –

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