
absolute assurance in a sentence

1) We can do it with absolute assurance .

2) I give him that absolute assurance.

3) It's something that we understand with absolute assurance of the veracity of that science.

4) In a phone conversation, Hamilton gave an absolute assurance to Heseltine that there was no such relationship.

absolute assurance example sentences

5) First, what absolute assurance do we have that this is all that will ever be banned?

6) In these meetings counselors are instructed that successful counseling must conclude with an individual's absolute assurance of salvation.

7) In this clarification the issue of post trial care now became something to consider, not an absolute assurance.

8) These limitations preclude a board and management from having absolute assurance as to achievement of the entity's objectives.

9) Internal control can provide reasonable, not absolute, assurance that the objectives of an organization will be met.

10) I give my hon. Friend the absolute assurance that the Government will continue to oppose it root and branch.

11) The train would be allowed to cross the border if there was an absolute assurance that the children would be taken on to Britain.

12) The Judge is the same one who has given the absolute assurance of acceptance when we come to him by faith in his atoning work.

13) And secondly, I'm wondering if both candidates have given absolute, concrete assurances and guarantees to the United States that, depending on which one wins, they will sign the BSA.

14) Therefore, unless you are in a place of absolute assurance that an off leash experience will be safe - do not turn these dogs loose.

example sentences with assurance

15) A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance.

16) The corps also required " absolute assurance" that new wetlands constructed as part of the project's mitigation efforts would not be built on land that was formerly the site of a landfill.

17) None of these are absolute assurances that children will be safe, but they go a long way to keep children out of harm's way.

18) In part, this is because an absolute assurance of disk integrity is impossible: no matter what, an adversary could always revert the entire disk to a prior state, circumventing any such checks.

19) Then 17 .... These " absolute assurances" were based on the theories of statistical sampling techniques rather than the actual science of big things we barely understand.

20) We are given, the Archbishop says, "the absolute assurance that life is more powerful than death – and that love is more powerful than hate.

21) The concluding exhortation, therefore, is to "be steadfast" in our Christian faith and "always abounding" in our Christian work, in absolute assurance that this is not "in vain!" (verse 58).

22) any system of internal financial control can give only reasonable and not absolute assurance;

23) Do not let the inquirer go until he can say with absolute assurance: "I know that I have eternal life."

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