
absence in a sentence

1) So much has happened during your absence .

2) These include complex partial seizures and absence seizures.

3) Are occupational illness absences included for disciplinary purposes?

absence example sentences

4) His absence has been observed for centuries.

5) We may wonder what was behind those absences .

6) Father absence is another major cause of child poverty.

7) His absences are usually explained as "gone fishing".

8) Measuring beta diversity with presence absence data.

9) The determining factor is absence of marriage.

10) The absence of brightness made everything totally black.

11) The result is near complete absence of harmonic distortion.

12) Her unexplained absence caused a press sensation.

13) The absence of relationships was experienced acutely.

14) These observations may mean absence of clinical observation.

15) The absence of onion is noticed however.

use absence in a sentence

16) An absence seizure is characterized by 38.

17) An absence of war is usually called peace.

18) Rates of sickness absence are expressed per 100 person years.

19) The term "anorexia" literally means absence of appetite.

20) His absence made their planning almost impossible.

21) Your absence makes the firm culture suffer.

22) Yes, approved college visits are excused absences .

23) John's absence was still keenly felt.

24) The third point is the reported absence of conclusions.

25) Any absences were due to sickness and leave.

26) Absolute zero represents absence of all heat shells.

27) Perhaps such simplicity is the absence of sin.

28) There was a singular absence of heroic poses.

How to use absence in a sentence

29) You will be allowed three absences without penalty.

30) Heritage is the insomnia of absence assimilation grade.

31) The security guard clearly believes his absence amounts to high treason.

32) His absence necessitated some quick adjustments to strategy.

33) His absence is not simply a precautionary measure.

34) How did living things evolve in its absence ?

35) Peace is still the absence of war.

36) No excused absences are allowed for professional work.

37) Long-term work absence is a significant event.

38) Another reason is the absence of opinions.

39) Their absence was not noticed for thirty years.

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