
abruptness in a sentence

1) The abruptness of the question brought Alexei's head round sharply.

2) It ceased with remarkable abruptness , and was not repeated.

3) The abruptness of his weight gain gave him gout.

abruptness example sentences

4) The abruptness of the change made him shudder.

5) And there it seems to end, with an astonishing abruptness .

6) What I want to emphasise is the abruptness of this change .

7) I MOVE from game to game with increasing abruptness .

8) You may be taken aback by an Argentine's abruptness .

9) Paul falls asleep with shattering abruptness .

10) In an attempt to soften her abruptness , Merrill stopped to point.

11) The abruptness of Leto's weight gain gave him gout.

12) Is conventional modelling out of pace with speed and abruptness of global warming ?

13) Her manner matched his in abruptness .

14) Demosthenes was apt at combining abruptness with the extended period, brevity with breadth.

15) But such gentle abruptness , and such single-minded straightforwardness could not possibly offend me.

use abruptness in a sentence

16) They have a thankless task and my abruptness with him was uncalled for.

17) With an abruptness that matched these events, the CPUSA did an about-face.

18) She would hear it in her head, like the abruptness of a goodbye.

19) Occasionally he purchases compression at the expense of clearness, and condenses almost to abruptness .

20) The short fiction of Ambrose Bierce is characterized by subtlety, abruptness , and meticulous detail.

21) In spite of the abruptness of my departure, I'm convinced I had the key.

22) The abruptness of this, again, is guarded against by the water cylinder around the piston.

23) He regretted the abruptness of the question, but Surere did not appear to have noticed.

24) Entering the ring at the Garden, Jack meets Walcott's cheerful words with cranky abruptness .

25) Then, with dramatic abruptness , a decision is taken to close the institution or move on.

26) The letter was signed, with an abruptness that matched its content, simply 'R'.

27) With an abruptness which left her staggering, he let her go, his dark face incredulous.

28) At my age one is impatient only of abruptness , the inconsequence of the merry and light-minded.

How to use abruptness in a sentence

29) And yet, for all her profound wordsmithing, Drake could sometimes make her point with remarkable abruptness .

30) Especially information about the abruptness of the vocal fold closure is lost (Hanson, 1995:15).

31) Reid smiled at the abruptness , and Culley saw it again - kindness, gentleness; and tiredness.

32) In Europe such abruptness might have raised an eyebrow or two, but in Indonesia it was stunningly rude.

33) Tolonen lifted his head, surprised by the abruptness with which the T'ang had raised the matter.

34) Trieste, at first "all that I could desire," became with characteristic abruptness "detestable and damnable.

35) And then -- and this happened with an abruptness no one quite expected -- Ethan pushed Anthony's girl down.

36) The shift of emphasis never gave the impression of abruptness , and the motion appeared as a dawning of social consciousness.

37) The abruptness of this conclusion to the proceedings suggests a way of doing business which must seem strange to any modern mind.

38) Contemporary authors were bemused or surprised by Marston's change of career, with several of them commenting on its seeming abruptness .

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