
abruptly withdraw in a sentence

1) But Toni abruptly withdraws Jess's welcome.

2) Before this meeting came to pass, however, Rutherford abruptly withdrew .

3) In 1564 he abruptly withdrew from Moscow and threatened to abdicate.

abruptly withdraw example sentences

4) UT abruptly withdrew after concluding that the SEC had no interest in strengthening academics.

5) What if she went to websites that said "never withdraw abruptly from medications"?

6) The film was abruptly withdrawn from release with rumors that it would be re-edited.

7) If she hadn't been withdrawn abruptly , cold turkey, she could have died.

8) As a consequence, all Soviet technological assistance was abruptly withdrawn after the 1960 Sino-Soviet split.

9) Work began on the new improvements, but when the appropriation was abruptly withdrawn , construction halted.

10) After the 6th round of peace talks in March 2003 LTTE abruptly withdrew from the peace talks.

11) As the Rock Island's set of streamlined passenger cars was being finished, the Southern Pacific abruptly withdrew its purchase.

12) Yusuf, who had returned with a smaller force than before and doubted the strength of his Spanish allies, abruptly withdrew .

13) In addition, it offered Iraq to the Ayatollahs when it abruptly withdrew from the country and left it in the hands of pro-Iranians, frustrating the Sunni moderates.

14) French trainers did not abruptly withdraw in 1954 after the Geneva accords, and, indeed, there was a French desire to stay involved in training the South Vietnamese.

15) The Finance Minister, Patow, abruptly withdrew the bill on 5 May and instead simply requested a provisional budgetary increase of 9 million thalers, which was granted.

use abruptly withdraw in a sentence

16) When Montoni finds out that Count Morano is not as rich as he hoped, he abruptly withdraws his support from Count Morano's suit.

17) Wayne Rogers (Trapper John McIntyre) was planning to return for Season 4 but abruptly withdrew over a disagreement about his contract.

18) Pamela is a sculptor, the sort that wittles her nights away until interest is shown in her work, at which point she abruptly withdraws .

19) Even the Queen Mum - 92 today - didn't escape criticism in America's Ladies Home Journal as she can ' abruptly withdraw affection'.

20) mcen086.2 him from the great torments he was in. then peter abruptly withdrew as

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