
abruptly in a sentence

1) The teasing light had abruptly switched off.

2) The worth function f may change abruptly .

3) Expect announcement will abruptly halt present repatriation movements.

abruptly example sentences

4) He must have stopped falling pretty abruptly .

5) But that romantic plan was abruptly aborted.

6) The coastal profile usually descends abruptly towards the sea.

7) Tunnel valley channels often start or stop abruptly .

8) Capital and technical relations were abruptly severed.

9) The show ended abruptly during the 2nd season.

10) This continues until the poem ends abruptly .

11) Work abruptly halted while further surveys were carried out.

12) Holmes's naval career had very abruptly ended.

13) A Swedish nuclear power plant abruptly stopped producing power.

14) The civilization collapsed abruptly around 1700 BCE.

15) The woman's singing had stopped abruptly .

use abruptly in a sentence

16) She sat down abruptly in the nearest chair.

17) The tender ties of a whole lifetime are abruptly broken.

18) She abruptly dismissed several graduate students from her lab.

19) Nothing further was said and the parade was abruptly dismissed.

20) She casually and quite abruptly dumps him.

21) His dark eyes abruptly bored into her.

22) Alexandra sat down abruptly in her chair.

23) The stone path with no stones ended abruptly .

24) The movie ends abruptly at this stage.

25) Jai sees this and stops dancing abruptly .

26) There have been four instances where the match ended abruptly .

27) The caller then abruptly ended the call.

28) After telling him goodbye the conversation abruptly ends.

How to use abruptly in a sentence

29) At that moment the military situation once more changed abruptly .

30) At that point the poem abruptly cuts off.

31) The diary record of the expedition ends abruptly here.

32) The friendship ended abruptly as a result.

33) The meeting ended abruptly and both men walked out.

34) The engine noise changed abruptly as the car leapt forward.

35) So these scams can end very abruptly .

36) That would keep interest rates from rising abruptly .

37) The conversation abruptly ended when the shuttle arrived.

38) The era of cheap oil and cheap energy ended abruptly .

39) She pulled it abruptly away and felt herself blush.

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