
abruptly halt in a sentence

1) Expect announcement will abruptly halt present repatriation movements.

2) Work abruptly halted while further surveys were carried out.

3) But it was the driver that made him halt abruptly .

abruptly halt example sentences

4) The line was abruptly halted in early 2005, with several items unreleased.

5) And with an east wind behind them they could not abruptly halt .

6) Her forward movement abruptly halted , Bernice threw the Doctor a cool glance.

7) D'Arquebus simply stood motionless, his zany rush abruptly halted .

8) The outbreak of World War II abruptly halted all forms of cultural life.

9) The rapid development and population growth both halted abruptly in the late 2000s recession.

10) However, this activity abruptly halted and languished throughout the month of July.

11) The marathon was halted abruptly .

12) But he halts abruptly as he feels a strange sensation: His shoulder itches.

13) In 1939 all these rosy ideas for expansion were abruptly halted by the outbreak of war.

14) However, work was abruptly halted in 1976 when a fire devastated much of the structure.

15) Tropical cyclogenesis abruptly halted in October, with only Hurricane Ivan developing in that month.

use abruptly halt in a sentence

16) Its deep convection gradually diminished and its west-northwestward motion abruptly halted as the system was being sheared.

17) In a related story, Scott Peterson has abruptly halted work on his book on marriage counseling.

18) DEBBIE ELLIOTT , BYLINE: Well, Curtis' preliminary detention hearing was abruptly halted .

19) Thereafter, activity abruptly halted , and only one tropical cyclone developed in October, Hurricane Frances.

20) I followed him into the dining room and almost cannoned into his back as he halted abruptly .

21) The outbreak has not only abruptly halted these farming activities, but has also claimed the lives of farmers.

22) Seleucid expansion into Anatolia and Greece was abruptly halted after decisive defeats at the hands of the Roman army.

23) His dreams of becoming a high school student-athlete were abruptly halted due to a diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

24) This practice is said to have been halted abruptly when the player started before the Duke had reached the organ.

25) North Lanarkshire Council started the groundworks and then abruptly halted them as they became aware of Clyde's financial plight.

26) All the town joins in the dance, but it abruptly halts when Jean screams as Harry tries to kiss her.

27) As evidenced by the tomb of Meryre, work appears to have abruptly halted on the Amarna tombs after year 13.

28) The economic situation worsened dramatically in the months that followed October as soldiers flocked home and military orders to industry abruptly halted .

How to use abruptly halt in a sentence

29) Their progress was abruptly halted by British rifle fire and retreating British columns earlier that afternoon, before the Worcesters counter stroke.

30) Thrusting one hand fowards he throws a dagger towards Cale's chest, and abruptly halts his progress just beyond arms reach of the man, curious to see what he can do.

31) They started to air new episodes from season two on April 21, 2013, but abruptly halted its airing after June 30, 2013.

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