
abrupt withdrawal in a sentence

1) Obviously I am hugely concerned with abrupt withdrawal .

2) I always, always warn people around abrupt withdrawal .

3) And I know firsthand exactly about abrupt withdrawal .

abrupt withdrawal example sentences

4) For example, clinicians and clients sometimes face circumstances where abrupt withdrawal is indicated.

5) An abrupt withdrawal was ruled out as too obvious an admission of defeat.

6) The enemy's abrupt withdrawal apparently had included the Inch'on garrison.

7) Clonazepam can be addictive, and abrupt withdrawal may trigger status epilepticus.

8) Abrupt withdrawal can be dangerous, therefore a gradual reduction regimen is recommended.

9) Spontaneous abortions may also result from abrupt withdrawal of psychotropic medications including benzodiazepines.

10) Clients may also choose abrupt withdrawal when adverse effects are subjectively experienced as intolerable.

11) I work with people all the time who got into trouble with abrupt withdrawal .

12) Abrupt withdrawal particularly with prolonged and high doses can in severe cases cause seizures and delirium.

13) A very small study of abrupt withdrawal of stimulants did suggest that withdrawal reactions are not typical.

14) I am with you completely about the importance of getting the message out about gradual vs. abrupt withdrawal .

15) Abrupt withdrawal from therapeutic doses of temazepam after long-term use may result in a severe benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome.

use abrupt withdrawal in a sentence

16) A condition called rebound scurvy is caused by abrupt withdrawal from long-term ingestion of large doses of the vitamin.

17) In clinical trials in patients with Bipolar Disorder, 2 patients experienced seizures shortly after abrupt withdrawal of LAMICTAL.

18) Abrupt withdrawal from lower doses may cause depression, nervousness, rebound insomnia, irritability, sweating, and diarrhoea.

19) It is often the result of an exacerbation of unstable plaque psoriasis, particularly following the abrupt withdrawal of systemic glucocorticoids.

20) Custer's abrupt withdrawal without determining the fate of Elliott and the missing troopers darkened Custer's reputation among his peers.

21) Your point about abrupt withdrawal and then not being able to get relief by going back on is a good one.

22) Rare cases are reported in the medical literature of psychotic states developing after abrupt withdrawal from benzodiazepines, even from therapeutic doses.

23) Abrupt withdrawal may lead to a severe benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome characterised by seizures, psychosis, severe insomnia, and severe anxiety.

24) Please post the section of your book describing "the possible consequences of abrupt withdrawal " for the clinicians who are the audience for your book.

25) The advice about abrupt withdrawal in serious adverse events conforms to medical guidelines (and I've read, many, many medical guidelines about withdrawal).

26) Yes abrupt withdrawal may be like russian roulette, the problem is that staying on the drugs may be like russian roulette too.

27) The point of my post is that by calling the whole process "tapering" and not coming up with a better term, we miss instances where abrupt withdrawal can work.

28) Yes people do get into problems after abrupt withdrawal and some of them really regret the process because of the problems it can create.

How to use abrupt withdrawal in a sentence

29) A suicide attempt and hospitalization took place after a Zooloft and benzo abrupt withdrawal and I wonder if the withdrawal played a role.

30) And too often people who have problems with an abrupt withdrawal are told this shows they need to stay on the medications, not try more slowly next time.

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