
abrupt transition in a sentence

1) But the abrupt political transition quickly turned into disaster.

2) This is to say the least an abrupt transition .

3) Your aim is to avoid abrupt transitions where you can lose audience members.

abrupt transition example sentences

4) Often there is an abrupt transition to the heat-injured buds.

5) An abrupt transition to shield volcanic flooding took place in the mid-Miocene.

6) Abrupt political transitions are also weakening or eliminating the safety net of state protection.

7) The image of cigarette smoke (right) shows the abrupt transition between these states.

8) Some paddles feature a "shoulder", or abrupt transition between the loom and blade roots.

9) It's an interesting approach, but the abrupt transitions are jarring and the material is mostly humdrum.

10) As in Bumps , the violations of conventional narration, the abrupt transitions and elisions become more obvious.

11) This lends a flowing rhythm to your movement, and it smooths out many of the abrupt transitions .

12) There is usually an abrupt transition between unaffected tissue and the ulcer - a characteristic sign known as skip lesions.

13) Despite an abrupt transition from a life of anarchy to rigid disciple, Sammy excels at his new training.

14) In what seems like an abrupt transition , immediately after Amalek, we meet Yitro, a Midianite man.

15) His physical attractions were undeniable, and the idea of an abrupt transition from colleague to lover no longer seemed remarkable.

use abrupt transition in a sentence

16) It also confirms the scientific consensus that is very unlikely the MOC will undergo a large abrupt transition during this century.

17) From the tomb to the opera is a very abrupt transition ; nevertheless, both have a share in this story.

18) A layer of platinum is seen in ice of the same age as a known abrupt climate transition , US scientists report.

19) A great deal of controversy emerged due to his belief that "from animals to man there is no abrupt transition ".

20) Four short but very steep shots (like 18-20% or more) with some abrupt transitions -- the first steep shot on Curtis Drive is a shock, rather intimidating.

21) If there were abrupt transitions built in, then there would be high stress concentrations, any one of which could be the point of failure!

22) The economy of phrase and the abrupt transitions of a Horatian ode can generally be traced to the demands of an intricate governing metre.

23) Its members on their induction into the military face an abrupt transition to a life and pattern of behavior altogether foreign to their previous experience.

24) The change alleviates the abrupt transition from second person ("with you", addressing the bird) to third person ("It is").

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