
abrupt resignation in a sentence

1) Killinsâs abrupt resignation was first reported by the Boston Herald.

2) After Cherry's abrupt resignation , Ed Price was promoted to head coach in 1951.

3) Fisher's relationship with Churchill had always been complex and his abrupt resignation was no exception.

abrupt resignation example sentences

4) You can join the discussion about Shawn Atleo's abrupt resignation at babble by clicking here.

5) After John Deutch's abrupt resignation in December 1996, Tenet served as acting director.

6) He would return to government in May 1915; he became the President of the Republic after the abrupt resignation of Manuel de Arriaga.

7) On May 23, 2005, the Magic's plans were disrupted by the abrupt resignation of General Manager and Chief Operating Officer John Weisbrod.

8) The talks came just hours after the abrupt resignation of chairman Peter Hall, viewed by sacked workers as a hate figure throughout the five-month dispute.

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20 examples of simple sentences of abrupt resignation. We tried to find and publish the the words with Simple Sentences of abrupt resignation
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