
abrupt in a sentence

1) In fact the client sounded quite abrupt !

2) What is being done about abrupt climate change?

3) The abrupt question was laced with impatience.

abrupt example sentences

4) His abrupt confession left me somewhat bewildered.

5) The author uses humor and abrupt confrontation.

6) Scientific understanding of abrupt climate change is generally poor.

7) Our image adjustment was abrupt and severe .

8) But his abrupt weight loss is telling .

9) The departure was abrupt , without explanation.

10) The abrupt change from legacy to trust is very striking.

11) It is let down somewhat by it fairly abrupt ending.

12) This also helps you avoid being abrupt .

13) But the abrupt political transition quickly turned into disaster.

14) Acute renal failure has an abrupt onset and is potentially reversible.

15) This is a very abrupt and obvious edit.

use abrupt in a sentence

16) His abrupt departure left her close to collapse.

17) An abrupt change of subject is another sign of dishonesty.

18) His abrupt objection implied that my suggestion was absurd.

19) Acute – with a sharp rather abrupt ending point.

20) Often the beginnings and endings are abrupt .

21) Heavy industry came to an abrupt halt.

22) Soon growing infantry casualties brought every advance to an abrupt end.

23) The car came to an abrupt halt.

24) This might entail using abrupt changes in the instruction.

25) This was an abrupt change in policy.

26) The company says its terms of service permit such abrupt changes .

27) A great read but a rather abrupt ending.

28) The rapid changes in elevation create abrupt habitat and species changes.

How to use abrupt in a sentence

29) With digital systems, the cutoff point is much more abrupt .

30) The climatic changes were often abrupt , measurable in decades.

31) He gave a low, abrupt laugh.

32) Obviously I am hugely concerned with abrupt withdrawal.

33) I always, always warn people around abrupt withdrawal.

34) Additionally, each volume "ends with abrupt suspense".

35) Plus. that ending was far too abrupt .

36) The abrupt change in temperature is what makes it unique.

37) Nor will abrupt and disruptive approaches to labor costs.

38) And then her life takes an abrupt right turn.

39) The removal of the ovaries results in abrupt surgical menopause.

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