
abrupt dismissal in a sentence

1) No reason was given for Capella's abrupt dismissal .

2) The reason for the abrupt dismissal of the three ministers was not immediately known .

3) This new launch took place in 1972 with the abrupt dismissal of the director Giovanni Spadolini.

abrupt dismissal example sentences

4) Manuel 's abrupt dismissal angered many fans, who called into talk-radio stations to express their bitterness.

5) Whitman became HP 's third CEO in as many years after Leo Apotheker's abrupt dismissal .

6) Forsyth, though well into his seventies, had not been prepared for his abrupt dismissal from Herron, emotionally or financially.

7) Apparently this episode, along with a few other potential attitude incidents, led to the abrupt dismissal of Moss from the Vikings after only four games.

8) Concern that the Soviet army might become too powerful in politics, however, led to Zhukov's abrupt dismissal in the autumn of 1957.

9) Rosenbloom decided that for the season to be salvaged a change must be made, and the announcement of Allen's abrupt dismissal was made on August 13.

10) In the short term the abrupt dismissal of the case forced by Gaines' disappearance was a setback for all efforts to legally challenge segregation.

11) During the programme it is not allowed to assign the apprentice to regular employment and he is well protected from abrupt dismissal until the programme ends.

12) Renowned graduates of United's most successful youth team have been put in control of a team in turmoil following the abrupt dismissal of David Moyes.

13) Mr. Baquet, 57, took the paper's top newsroom job last month after the abrupt dismissal of Jill Abramson, its first female executive editor.

14) any rude or abrupt dismissal : He gave the pesky salesman the bum's rush.

15) However, the reason for his abrupt dismissal from the team was a despicable act which we...

use abrupt dismissal in a sentence

16) Then there was the abrupt dismissal of his German representative through the columns of Music Hall : 'Herr Obermeyer no longer has any connection with these Schools.'

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