
abrupt discontinuation in a sentence

1) Abrupt discontinuation and restart may be catastrophic for some.

2) E. Withdrawal or rebound anxiety have not been reported with abrupt discontinuation of therapy.

3) Opioid dependence can develop with ongoing administration, leading to a withdrawal syndrome with abrupt discontinuation .

abrupt discontinuation example sentences

4) Applied Engineering's TransWarp III was supposed to be the TransWarp II's replacement after that product's abrupt discontinuation .

5) As with SSRIs, the abrupt discontinuation of an SNRI usually leads to withdrawal, or "discontinuation syndrome", which could include states of anxiety and other symptoms.

6) Tapering off citalopram therapy, as opposed to abrupt discontinuation , is recommended in order to diminish the occurrence and severity of discontinuation symptoms.

7) A neonate (infant less than 28 days old) may experience a withdrawal syndrome from abrupt discontinuation of the antidepressant at birth.

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