
abrupt change in a sentence

1) What is being done about abrupt climate change ?

2) Scientific understanding of abrupt climate change is generally poor.

3) The abrupt change from legacy to trust is very striking.

abrupt change example sentences

4) An abrupt change of subject is another sign of dishonesty.

5) This might entail using abrupt changes in the instruction.

6) This was an abrupt change in policy.

7) The company says its terms of service permit such abrupt changes .

8) The abrupt change in temperature is what makes it unique.

9) To indicate a sudden break or abrupt change in thought.

10) Second, the formal objectives themselves are liable to abrupt change .

11) She was surprised, startled by the abrupt change .

12) There was an abrupt change in Eleanor's expression.

13) The abrupt change of subject disconcerted Celia.

14) The world is endangered by abrupt climate changes and people are suffering.

15) How likely is it that global warming will trigger abrupt climate change ?

use abrupt change in a sentence

16) Abrupt changes in friends, groups or behavior 3.

17) There were abrupt changes when Sunbeam bought the station in 1993.

18) Abrupt changes in background cause cascading effects within the cell.

19) An abrupt change of the torque results in an important angular jerk.

20) This shows an abrupt change in thought and warrants an em dash .

21) Abrupt climate changes and impacts present substantial risks to society and nature .

22) He is used to abrupt changes .

23) The low also caused an abrupt change of course to the northeast.

24) It is not an abrupt change .

25) Abrupt dietary changes may result to problems of indigestion and upset stomach .

26) Two or more course markers placed together indicate an abrupt change in course direction.

27) Part of the problem was the abrupt changes in our 21st century.

28) The probability of abrupt change for some climate related feedbacks may be low.

How to use abrupt change in a sentence

29) This was an astonishingly abrupt change .

30) As a result, the abrupt weather change disrupted craft employment and food processing.

31) But an abrupt change brought more than three weeks of chilling rains and fog.

32) Even minor changes in the environment could thus trigger abrupt changes in herring abundance.

33) Suppose the wave hits a boundary (an abrupt change in impedance).

34) Loretta was beginning to get used to Simmons's abrupt changes of subject.

35) Despite this abrupt change , Caragiale had not entirely abandoned his writing career.

36) It is remembered today for its abrupt season-to-season changes in casting and premise.

37) The transition between the two phases was a gradual one, without abrupt changes .

38) The committee believes that action is needed to develop an abrupt change early warning system .

39) We had mega droughts , ice free Arctic Ocean and other abrupt climate changes .

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