
abiding in a sentence

1) Why should law abiding citizens pay extra?

2) With criminals knowing law abiding citizens cant defend themselves anymore .

3) A priority is shaking down law abiding citizens for money.

abiding example sentences

4) It makes law abiding citizens buy more guns to protect themselves .

5) Our government is spying on law abiding citizens.

6) It is guiding principle, abiding truth.

7) Their abiding passion is the unification of forces.

8) Cairo was for several years my abiding place.

9) This is called a sublime abiding here & now.

10) Emperor is the law making and abiding force.

11) Gardner had an abiding fascination with religious belief.

12) Hundreds of thousands of law abiding residents are persecuted .

13) You should be a law abiding person.

14) Legal weed is produced and distributed by law abiding citizens.

15) Children's literature became an abiding interest.

use abiding in a sentence

16) One whose heart is mercifully blessed with abiding humility.

17) Why isn't the world abiding by reality?

18) He has an abiding love for old horror and exploitation films.

19) Dave had always considered himself to be a law abiding citizen.

20) It is my abiding image of Somalia.

21) Douglas always had a deep and abiding faith in democracy.

22) Art had an abiding concern for his subordinates.

23) His other abiding memory is a harrowing one.

24) His abiding interest in Scottish geology had not waned.

25) She watched his expression, saw a deep abiding satisfaction.

26) Law abiding homeless citizens should be given first opportunities at training .

27) How did the gun stores or law abiding citizen contribute that ?

28) Those focus on criminals ........not law abiding citizens!

How to use abiding in a sentence

29) Laws against weapons only take weapons from law abiding citizens .

30) It will serve only to hamper law abiding citizens .

31) Laws only prevent the law abiding citizen from protecting themselves .

32) So they are abiding by the request .

33) It is the profound and abiding sentiment of parental love.

34) Gardiner's abiding interest in law reform changed the picture dramatically.

35) Good for you, another law abiding armed citizen.

36) Even though the majority of them are law abiding citizens.

37) But Robin's love was deep and abiding .

38) Paryushana means " abiding , coming together".

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