
abhorrent in a sentence

1) It was terrible – horrible – abhorrent !

2) Thus warfare was abhorrent but sometimes necessary.

3) These legal assaults and personal attacks were completely abhorrent and immoral .

abhorrent example sentences

4) Surely such a thought is abhorrent to every spiritual mind.

5) Beneath their abhorrent alchemy the transformation continued.

6) This was an abhorrent act of terror.

7) Hinduism speaks of incest in abhorrent terms.

8) He finds caste distinctions of India abhorrent .

9) He was naked, gross and abhorrent .

10) They were implicated with each other in abhorrent mysteries.

11) These patients find euthanasia to be an abhorrent option.

12) That situation is abhorrent and can not continue.

13) Why is this such an abhorrent principle now?

14) These offences were regarded as the most abhorrent .

15) Elizabeth, however, found the idea abhorrent .

use abhorrent in a sentence

use abhorrent in a sentence

16) If not ... the thought is abhorrent .

17) A phlegmatic temperament is abhorrent to vital experience.

18) Were a very special cliché, all else is just abhorrent .

19) The scrapping of an original ivory keyboard is abhorrent to us.

20) For that which is false is quite abhorrent to the truth.

21) It is advisable to view this abhorrent piece in HD .

22) Let him defend that abhorrent verbal attack of a child .

23) But now the very thought of Anderson was abhorrent .

24) They were among the most abhorrent of all weapons.

25) It would surely have been abhorrent to him.

26) Holmes : Luck is an offensive, abhorrent concept.

27) The situations I created for him were abhorrent & nearly unforgivable.

28) I have always found frogs and toads abhorrent .

How to use abhorrent in a sentence

29) Newspapers, to her, are abhorrent .

30) There was a league between them, abhorrent to them both.

31) What's abhorrent one week will be funny the next.

32) It's abhorrent and we stand with these women.

33) Such acts are condemned in the strongest possible terms , as abhorrent .

34) But my brain obviously rejected its existence as too abhorrent to retain.

35) The Prince finds the current Zimbabwean regime abhorrent .

36) HRW said "The Syrian army should immediately stop this abhorrent practice.

37) Pedophilia is an abhorrent crime and rampant in our society.

38) BirdWatch Ireland say this was a particularly abhorrent incident.

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